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American Gov’t Midterm Review Federalism – who does what.

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Presentation on theme: "American Gov’t Midterm Review Federalism – who does what."— Presentation transcript:

1 American Gov’t Midterm Review Federalism – who does what

2 State Governments  Handles most governing  Establishes & oversees local gov’ts  Handles everything w/in the state borders

3 Federal Government  Handles anything that affects all states or several states  Handles all foreign matters

4 Division of Powers Under Federalism Reserved, Delegated & Concurrent Powers

5 Reserved Powers  Only for states Election laws Marriage Laws Establishing Local Gov’ts

6 Delegated Powers  Federal only Declare War Settle disputes between States Print Currency

7 Concurrent Powers  Both federal & States Make Laws Set up courts Tax citizens Protect Citizens & their Rights

8 Three Branches of Government Legislative Branch

9 Congress  Article I  Lawmaking  Representation of Constituents  Oversight – check up on other branches

10 Congress cont.  Organization House of Representatives House of Representatives  Proportional, 435, all money bills start here, articles of impeachment Senate – Senate –  Equal, 100, approve all Presidential appointments, removal trial

11  Committees Handle day to day business Handle day to day business Conference Committee irons out differences of bills from HOR & Senate Conference Committee irons out differences of bills from HOR & Senate Congress cont.

12 Three Branches of Government Executive Branch

13 President  Oversees execution of laws  Most Visible – provides leadership  Executive Office Cabinet advise President & run agencies/departments VP

14 Presidential Election Process  Primary – select delegates  National Convention – delegates select party’s candidate  General Election – selects electors  Electoral College – Electors select president

15 Powers of the President  Formal = in Constitution Enforces laws, pardons, reprieve, amnesty, appointments  Informal = not in Const. Executive order

16 Domestic Policy  Execute Laws  Sets Budget (approved by Cong)  Sets Agenda

17 Foreign Policy  Sends troops  Negotiates Treaties (Senate approves)  Establishes Executive Agreements (with other foreign heads of govt.)

18 Three Branches of Government Judicial Branch

19  Criminal & Civil Law  Hear Cases  Judicial Review – Marbury v. Madison

20 Jurisdictions  Original Jurisdiction 1 st to hear the case  Appellate Jurisdiction – review case already heard at a lower level

21 Federal Courts  Supreme Court Highest court in U.S., only court mentioned in the Const., has original & appellate jurisdiction, decides what cases they will hear Highest court in U.S., only court mentioned in the Const., has original & appellate jurisdiction, decides what cases they will hear

22 Federal Courts cont.  Courts of Appeals Reviews cases from lower courts Reviews cases from lower courts  USA Circuit Courts Hears felony cases & appeals from lower courts Hears felony cases & appeals from lower courts

23 Maryland State Courts  MD Court of Appeals (hears all death penalty appeals)  MD Court of Special Appeals  MD Circuit Courts (hears felony cases & appeals from lower court)  MD District Courts (hears misdemeanor & traffic related crimes)

24 Federal Bureaucracy The 4 th Branch of Gov’t

25 Part of Executive Branch  Agencies FDA – Food & Drug Administration FDA – Food & Drug Administration EPA – Environmental Protection Agency EPA – Environmental Protection Agency  Departments Department of State Department of State Homeland Security Homeland Security  Characteristics Civil Servants stay no matter who is elected Civil Servants stay no matter who is elected Help set and form public policy Help set and form public policy

26 Maryland Government Three Branches at the State Level

27 MD Legislature  Maryland General Assembly House of Delegates (like House of Representatives) Senate (like US Senate)

28 MD Executive  Governor  Supported by state bureaucracy

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