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What does History Mean? Mrs. Rida. What’s the big idea?

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Presentation on theme: "What does History Mean? Mrs. Rida. What’s the big idea?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What does History Mean? Mrs. Rida

2 What’s the big idea?

3 Questions to Discuss and Ponder What is history? How do people use the word “history”? What does it mean to study history? What do historians do? How is history like other courses you study? How is it different?

4 On page ____ in your ISN Write a history of the first full day of 7 th grade. You will have 12 minutes to write. You may include anything you want in your history Give it a title

5 Discussion Do you think our histories about the same day in history are the same? Do you think you included the same events in your history as your classmates?


7 Historical event Something that happened in the past. For example: The “I have a Dream” speech by MLK is a historical event.

8 Historical account A representation of an event from the past. For example: An article that someone wrote about the MLK speech.

9 Meet with your partner again Select 2 events that both you and your partner included in your historical accounts of the 1 st day. Compare the accounts Record similarities and differences on the bottom of the sheet What do you notice? Why are they different?

10 So, history has two meanings

11 So, what's an event? Attack on Pearl Harbor Dec 4 th, 1941 Signing of US Constitution September 17, 1787. July 24 th 1969 Landing on the Moon

12 How does this explain our lesson?

13 How to read articles BBBB AAAA You will be given two sources about an event. Read one A or B depending on where you’re sitting Answer the questions on the handout with your partner. Then switch Read other article A/B Answer the questions on the handout with your partner


15 Card Sort You will be given a sheet of paper with boxed events on it. Cut out the boxes Glue them onto your handout in chronological order 1-10 With your partner, draw out an account of each of these events EVENTACCOUNT April 15, 1912 Titanic Sinking July 20, 1969 US Landing on the Moon

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