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Vision: Every child in every district receives the instruction that they need and deserve…every day. Oregon Response to Intervention Vision: Every child.

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Presentation on theme: "Vision: Every child in every district receives the instruction that they need and deserve…every day. Oregon Response to Intervention Vision: Every child."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vision: Every child in every district receives the instruction that they need and deserve…every day. Oregon Response to Intervention Vision: Every child in every district receives the instruction that they need and deserve…every day. Developing & Strengthening your Middle School Intervention System An “all” staff effort Initial Middle School Training February 2015

2 Oregon Response to Intervention Resources

3 Oregon Response to Intervention Our goal…. From remediation to prevention and intervention From random to systematic response From reactive to proactive From invitational to directive

4 Oregon Response to Intervention What is an intervention? Scientifically, research based instructional intervention An intervention matched to student need that has been demonstrated through scientific research and practice to produce high learning rates for most students (NASDSE, 2008)

5 Oregon Response to Intervention Intervention Framework Evidence BasedMatched to Student Need “More”Coordinated & Supported across the day

6 Oregon Response to Intervention Intervention Framework Evidence Based

7 The Middle School Dilemma Weak Tier 3 Interventions: Content Area Tutoring Help with Homework Alternative Content Area Courses ONLY Tier 3 Programs That Often Don ’ t Provide What Students Need Little Attention to Tier 1 Improvement of Teacher Effectiveness Few or No Tier 2 Options 50% 25%

8 Oregon Response to Intervention Oregon Graduation Rates

9 What we are striving for! Coordinated Content literacy strategies supported across the content areas (e.g. Holt Literacy, McDougal- Littell) At least 80% 15% 5% Additional instruction in areas of need (e.g., Soar to Success, Six Minute Solution) Intensive instruction in areas of need (e.g., Language!, Rewards, Corrective Reading)

10 Oregon Response to Intervention Standard Literacy Protocol

11 Oregon Response to Intervention Tier 2: Intervention Programs and materials designed to support the core program by addressing specific skill areas such as phonemic awareness or reading fluency. Tier 3: Intervention Programs and materials are designed to accelerate student growth by addressing multiple skill needs of students who are far below grade level. Differences Between Tier 2 & 3 Interventions Kame'enui, Simmons, Coyne, & Harn © 2003

12 Some Common Secondary Interventions Skills addressed Tier 2Tier 3 Basic Skills Focused (45-60 min) (Decoding, Word Study) Comprehensive Program (90 min) (Decoding, Fluency, Vocab, Comprehension) Reading Fluency REWARDS, REWARDS Plus – Focus on decoding multisyllabic words. Includes some fluency, vocab and comprehension. REWARDS Plus applies strategies to content areas. Read 180 – Large and small group direct instruction, independent reading, and computer activities System 44 – Focus on basic skills for students with intensive needs (can be used with Read 180) Corrective Reading – Decoding strand (also has a comprehension strand) Language! – For students several grade levels behind with intensive needs Six Minute Solution, Read Naturally

13 Oregon Response to Intervention Consistent Implementation Wickstrom et al studied 33 intervention cases. Teachers agreed to do an intervention and were then observed in class. 33/33 on a self report measure indicated that they had used the intervention as specified by the team. 0/33 Teachers had fidelity above 10%. Slide taken from a presentation by Joseph Witt

14 Oregon Response to Intervention Intervention Framework Matched to Student Need

15 Oregon Response to Intervention Matched to Student Need IntensityANDFocus (the right amount) (the right skills)

16 Oregon Response to Intervention Vocabulary Reading Comprehension Phonemic Awareness Phonics (Alphabetic Principle) Oral Reading Accuracy & Fluency 16 Focus: Reading Language Comprehension Foundational Skills



19 Importance of reading fluently Assuming 300 words per page in a middle school text book, how long will it take a student to finish a 15 page (1 chapter) reading assignment (4500 Words)?


21 Oregon Response to Intervention Intervention Framework More

22 Oregon Response to Intervention How many times it takes to learn something new Above Average Learner Average Truly disabled student Jo Robinson (2008) 4-14 times 14-250 times 250-350 times Why “More”?

23 Oregon Response to Intervention Interventions are… More for students –More instructional time –More explicit –More opportunities to respond and practice –More monitoring & corrective feedback –More behavior management & student engagement

24 Oregon Response to Intervention Team Work Time Team Work Time 1.List your intervention programs on your index cards (Tier 2 on yellow cards & Tier 3 on pink cards). 2.What reading skill/s do your programs address? –Phonemic awareness –Decoding/word analysis –Fluency –Vocabulary/concept knowledge –Comprehension strategy use

25 Oregon Response to Intervention Intervention Index Card Sort Activity

26 Oregon Response to Intervention Intervention Framework Coordinated across the day

27 45 minutes of isolated intervention time is not enough. Our most at-risk learners need the most coordinated instruction and support in generalizing skills across their day. 1 st Period 2 nd Period Break 3 rd Period 4 th Period Language Arts Lunch 6 th Period 7 th Period Intervention 45 minute s 4 hours 45 min

28 Interventions are one part of the system that helps a student be successful. The adults must coordinate and be explicit with the students how the parts of instructional day are connected. 1 st Period 2 nd Period Break 3 rd Period 4 th Period Language Arts Lunch 6 th Period 7 th Period Intervention 45 minute s 4 hours 45 min

29 Oregon Response to Intervention From random to systematic?

30 How do you do this work?

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