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Sabbatical Workshop. Topics to be Discussed What Policies Govern the Sabbatical Process The Sabbatical Application The Role of the Professional Leaves.

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Presentation on theme: "Sabbatical Workshop. Topics to be Discussed What Policies Govern the Sabbatical Process The Sabbatical Application The Role of the Professional Leaves."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sabbatical Workshop

2 Topics to be Discussed What Policies Govern the Sabbatical Process The Sabbatical Application The Role of the Professional Leaves Committee The Sabbatical Rubric Who is Eligible? Sabbatical Duration One Year Versus a One Semester Sabbatical Versus a Difference in Pay Leave Important Points Q & A

3 What Policies Govern the Sabbatical Process The sabbatical process is governed by the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) Article 27 and by UPS 260.102. UPS 260.102 delineates The deadline for submitting an application The required application materials that should be submitted by the faculty member The evaluation criteria that will be used by the Professional Leaves Committee (PLC) The recommendations that the PLC may make and who makes the final determination regarding these leaves Information provided to applicants Conditions attached to the leave

4 The Sabbatical Application The Sabbatical application can be found on the Faculty Affairs and Records website ( by clicking on the “Benefits” tab near the top of the page. This will bring up the Sabbatical Leaves page. Clicking on the appropriate application form (for either PC or Mac operating systems) will bring up the form that should be submitted. Note that this application should be completed online and submitted as an email attachment to Philip Lee at A copy of your application will be sent to your Department so that it can provide a statement regarding the impact your leave may have on your Department’s curriculum and operations.

5 The Role of the Professional Leaves Committee The Professional Leaves Committee is responsible for reviewing sabbatical leave applications and evaluating the quality of the proposed projects in three categories: a) The substance of the proposed project b) The impact of the project on the applicant c) The likelihood of completion

6 The Sabbatical Rubric Committee members determine scores for each applicant in 3 areas: CriteriaScore (0-4) Substance of project in context of relevant discipline Impact of project on applicant and CSUF Likelihood of completion In each of the three areas, scoring will be as follows (note that the scores can take any value between 0 and 4): Scoring KeyScore Highly Meritorious4 Above Meritorious3 Meritorious2 Acceptable1 Unacceptable0 An average (possibly weighted) will be calculated for each candidate and this average will be then averaged over all committee members to determine a candidate’s overall score. A standard deviation will also be determined to gauge the consistency of the reviewers’ scores.

7 Sabbatical Eligibility Faculty are eligible for a sabbatical after having served full time for six years at the campus in the preceding seven-year period prior to the leave and at least six years after any previous sabbatical leave or difference-in- pay leave. Service credit awarded upon initial appointment to a probationary position shall be counted as equivalent years of service for the purpose of calculating sabbatical eligibility.

8 Sabbatical Duration  Faculty members in academic year (AY) appointments (including counselor faculty in AY appointments) may apply for a sabbatical leave of either one semester at full salary or an entire academic year at one-half of full salary.  B. Librarians, 12-month faculty, and 12-month counselors may apply for a sabbatical leave of either four months at full salary or eight months at one-half of full salary.  C. Department chairs granted a sabbatical leave shall be moved to the equivalent (AY or 12-month) instructional faculty classification for the duration of the sabbatical leave period and will not receive the chair’s stipend during the leave period.

9 Sabbatical Versus Difference in Pay Leaves  The salary for a difference in pay leave for a faculty unit employee shall be the difference between the faculty employee ʹ s salary and the minimum salary of the instructor rank (Article 28.3 of the CBA). Article 28.3 also addresses how the salary of librarians and coaches on a difference in pay leave is determined  A faculty unit employee will be eligible for a subsequent difference in pay leave after s/he has served full­ ‑ time for three years after the last sabbatical leave or difference in pay leave and has satisfied the obligation in 28.16. For some faculty contemplating a one year sabbatical leave, a one year difference in pay leave may result in more income.  While sabbatical leaves are reviewed by the campus Professional Leaves Committee, difference in pay leaves are reviewed by a department leaves committee  Article 28 of the CBA and UPS 260.104 govern the difference in pay leave process

10 One Year Versus a One Semester Sabbatical Leave Versus a Difference in Pay Leave Article 27.10b states that all applications for a one year sabbatical at half pay shall be granted subject to the criteria of articles 27.5 – 27.8 being satisfied. Note that if one applies for a one semester sabbatical the faculty member may changes his/her request to a one year sabbatical. The reverse is not the case. If a faculty member is turned down for a sabbatical leave she/he may apply for a Difference in Pay Leave

11 Important Points  A sabbatical leave should provide benefit to the CSU  If a sabbatical leave may be deferred due to impact issues on a department, but if it is, it can only be deferred for one year  Faculty members granted a sabbatical leave shall render one term of additional service for each term of their leave  Faculty members are required to post a bond or promissory note for an amount equal to their sabbatical leave  Faculty members who are on sabbatical or difference in pay leaves may not accept additional or outside employment without prior approval of the President  A one year leave may stretch over two academic years  For both a sabbatical and difference in pay leave, faculty must submit a written report to the President via Faculty Affairs and Records. The report shall provide verification that the conditions of the leave has been met.  The Difference in Pay Leave application can also be found by clicking on the Benefits link on the FAR website  Faculty who do not receive sabbatical leave funding shall receive feedback on their proposal  There is an FAQ section on the FAR Sabbatical website


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