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QUARTER 2 REVIEW STORAGE KING WARRINGTON. Q2 SUCCESSES Enquiries up 35% on last year. This was in line with the introduction of online pricing. 117 Lets.

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Presentation on theme: "QUARTER 2 REVIEW STORAGE KING WARRINGTON. Q2 SUCCESSES Enquiries up 35% on last year. This was in line with the introduction of online pricing. 117 Lets."— Presentation transcript:


2 Q2 SUCCESSES Enquiries up 35% on last year. This was in line with the introduction of online pricing. 117 Lets over the quarter – 39 per month average 66 Vacates over the quarter 22 per month average Transfer Deadline Day Regular Rent Increases Yield Average - Q2 2013 £11.63 Q2 2014 £12.11 Rent Average – Q2 2013 £20676 Q2 2014 £26747 Insurance Average – Q2 2013 £862 Q2 2014 £1736 Sales Average – Q2 2013 £457 Q2 2014 £762 TPR Average – Q2 2013 £22157 Q2 2014 £29321

3 Q2 SUCCESSES AND HOW TO CAPITALISE Enquiries – Getting more enquiries is great, what we need to do is increase our conversion to ensure that the increased level of enquiries is paying off. To do this we will need to ensure we know our sales processes and training documents i.e The follow up process and script. This will also maximise the amount of add ons we can sell to the customer. Transfer Deadline Day (Credit goes to Elaine) – On the final few days we created urgency amongst ourselves to get people in and get debt right down. Relentless chasing, calls & deals to ensure we hit the next level of commission. Yield & Rent – We now regularly review what our clients are paying and look at increasing people who are not paying enough. There was definitely a fear factor for us when we first started implementing the increases as we thought we would lose all of our customers and undo the good work we have….

4 Q2 SUCCESSES AND HOW TO CAPITALISE CONT… ….done to get the facility to where it is now. The reality is people expect rent increases and rarely question them, this has helped our yield and rent roll even when we have had a flat month. Insurance – We have also conducted insurance increases however a couple of success stories have come from speaking to our business clients about their insurance costs and seeing what we can do for them. Sales – A better store display as well a focus on upselling has really helped us. We know we can increase the amount of merchandise we sell through new initiatives and upselling better through sales techniques TPR – It has started to finally come together, the first focus was to hit £25000, then £30000 and we are now currently at £32500. This is through improving the cleanliness and appearance of the store, making the customer the focus of everything that is done in store and ensuring that we are ‘doing the right thing’ when it comes to decision making within the store. TPR is a reflection of the hard work done over a long term period.

5 Q2 FAILURES Social Media Networking & Visits Sales Process & Script Deadlines Store Presentation Audit

6 Q2 FAILURES AND HOW TO AVOID THEM All of the above were sacrificed as a result of a busy quarter where figures skyrocketed, it was pretty exciting times. However the background work for the following quarter was neglected. This has lead to us getting behind on reporting, no social media content being put out there, no visits to local businesses, no networking events attended and when Carl visited at the end of September he noticed that the store was visibly untidy and less clean than previous visits. This can all be put down to one thing…… Time Management. Maybe our best quarter ever could have been a little better. We are looking at better ways of working including Time Management & Communication.

7 Q3 FOCUS Marketing Sales Process & Conversion Checklists, Organisation & Time Management Audit Big Push On Move In For £1 12 Month Plans Training & Development The focus has been on revenue management in the last couple of months, we will continue this process however we need to look at occupancy again as November has not been kind to us…..

8 Q3 FOCUS CONT… … there will be a focus on catching enquiries as soon as possible. We have set rules within our emails so that when an enquiry comes through it prints off and we get a message on screen saying ‘FOLLOW ME UP NOW’. When we get through to our prospect we need to be Enthusiastic, Sharp as a tack and a force to be reckoned with (Be the expert to the customer) We can only do this if we have a good attitude, have good product knowledge and know our sales processes and these will be focused on through development plans, but achieved through planning, reviewing and good time management.


10 Up until around 3 weeks ago my method of working was very ‘In the now’ and pretty much chaotic. I blamed outside influences for my failure to meet deadlines i.e. ‘the system was running slow on that day’ (Even though I had the deadline a month ago) If I did get a report in on time it would be rushed and definitely not done to the best of my ability My anxiety levels would be through the roof knowing that I had had so much work to do and ‘Didn’t have the time to do it all’ No matter how much time, energy and effort was put in… it wasn’t enough. I was always behind My Desk was like a bomb site

11 TIME MANAGEMENT I was then pointed in the direction of a little book called ‘7 Habits Of Highly Effective People’ by Stephen R. Covey. I soon realised that I have ability but not the right focus. Every page is a light bulb moment with me saying inside ‘Ahhhhh why have I not been doing this’ Its not rocket science either, its about having the correct focus and being proactive. Its about having a long term focus and breaking it down into manageable pieces to achieve the long term goal. As a store we are achieving a lot more throughout the day without being stressed. Last week was the first week we had completed a detailed marketing plan and achieved everything on the list.

12 TIME MANAGEMENT CONT…. Non-negotiables

13 TIME MANAGEMENT It is not a quick fix. Its tough in the beginning, you need to think long term. You need to commit to getting yourself organised, even when you feel the chaos approaching…. Because it will approach. My old habits keep creeping in but I identify with them immediately and get back to my plan. I have not missed a deadline in the last 3 weeks with most reports being in early and more importantly good content. When you plan your week and break down the tasks on a daily or even hourly time frame its amazing how much time you actually have left.

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