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The Hero’s Journey How did we get here?. And so the story goes… There are many patterns in literature that are easy to spot once you realize they exist.

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Presentation on theme: "The Hero’s Journey How did we get here?. And so the story goes… There are many patterns in literature that are easy to spot once you realize they exist."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Hero’s Journey How did we get here?

2 And so the story goes… There are many patterns in literature that are easy to spot once you realize they exist. - Same thing happens in movies. Think about the last time you guessed the ending to a horror film… Joseph Campbell (1940s) was the first to point out that stories about a hero follow a pattern. – –he identified that the pattern followed everywhere: movies, comic books, novels, fairytales, TV soap operas, etc.

3 What Campbell found: There is a 12 step journey that a hero goes through, from first getting a quest all the way to defeating the enemy and returning home victorious.

4 Wait, but…what? A hero? Hero (noun): a person that decides (or is given a severe kick in the butt) to leave their everyday life to overcome challenges to get a reward that they can then bring home and share with their community. All heroes will at some point: take risks, overcome obstacles, make a sacrifice, and learn/grow.

5 *Why Do I Care? Because: the hero’s journey is a pattern of human experience. We’re living it now, and will for the rest of our lives. – –We all are born. – –We all will be separated from our families. – –We will have dark and light times in our lives. – –We will have friends to guide us. – –We will be faced with difficult decisions and prove ourselves. – –We will triumph.

6 1.) The Ordinary World The hero’s normal world before the story begins; their everyday life - Sets up the dramatic question Sets up the theme of the story

7 2.) Call to Adventure Gets the story rolling Tells us the hero’s goal The challenge is presented; the hero can’t remain in the ordinary world

8 3.) Refusal of the Call The Reluctant Hero – –Not committed to the journey because of fears or insecurities – –Prefers to stay safe in “ordinary world”

9 4.) Meeting the Mentor The Mentor – –Provides knowledge or advice – –Provides confidence for journey – –Helps the hero face challenges

10 5.) Crossing the 1 st Threshold The hero agrees to face the challenge Crosses into the Special World – –Involves crossing physical barriers – –Turning point

11 6.) Tests, Allies and Enemies No longer safe at home, the hero is presented with challenges and tests – –Makes allies and enemies – –The tests prepare the hero for the next step in the journey The “getting to know yourself” stage

12 7.) Approach the Inmost Cave The hero may have suffered setbacks Makes adjustments and prepares for the “Inmost Cave” (which means the “real challenge”). Hero confronts the challenge and prepares for achieving the goal.

13 8.) The Supreme Ordeal Fortune hits rock bottom Dangerous physical test or deep inner crisis Life vs. death moment Hero faces greatest fear

14 9.) Reward (Seizing the Sword) The hero celebrates and takes possession of the reward The Reward may come in many forms: – –an object of great importance or power – –a secret – –greater knowledge – –insight

15 10.) The Road Back The hero returns to the Ordinary World There is a change in character

16 11.) Resurrection Death gets one last shot – –If the hero fails, others will now suffer. Shows the audience the lessons that the hero learned

17 12.) Return with the Elixir The hero returns to the Ordinary World with some sort of treasure The lesson learned = the Elixir

18 Can you think of any movies that use a hero? Take a few minutes and think of a couple. We will then share and discuss.

19 Examples: Star Wars The Wizard of Oz Spiderman The Patriot Indiana Jones Harry Potter The Matrix

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