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The War for American Independence Chapter 7. You Say You Want a Revolution?  The newly formed United States of America declares independence July 4 th,

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Presentation on theme: "The War for American Independence Chapter 7. You Say You Want a Revolution?  The newly formed United States of America declares independence July 4 th,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The War for American Independence Chapter 7

2 You Say You Want a Revolution?  The newly formed United States of America declares independence July 4 th, 1776  Just One SLIGHT Problem: –No other country recognizes us as being independent 

3 Divisions in Colonial America   Not all colonists were supportive of the war   Loyalists made up 20- 30% of the population   40-45% were Patriots   25-40% were Pacifists and/or Neutral   Northern colonies were mostly Patriots   Southern states were Loyalist

4 Reasons for Remaining Loyal   AKA – “Tories”   Some held jobs by the crown or parliament   Some feared disorder without a king   Some were members of the Anglican Church, headed by the king   Some slaves were promised their freedom if they fought for the British

5 Reasons for Wanting American Independence   AKA – Patriots   No taxation without representation   Colonies were self- sustaining   Wanted religious freedom   Some just wanted more land out west

6 Reasons for Being a Pacifist or Neutral Party   Many such as the Quakers did not approve of war for religious reasons   Remaining neutral allowed for partnerships with both sides, and later with the victor

7 What About the Native Americans?   Native American populations were severely divided   Some tribes joined the British (fears of Americans taking more of their land)   Others joined the Americans (had previous positive partnerships)   Splits caused the largest war in Native American history!

8 #PatriotArmyProblems CComplied from state militias MMen were untrained, unskilled, and unprepared SSoldiers enlisted for only one year NNumbers never reached over 17,000 men

9 Off to a Lousy Start   American armies lost almost all early battles they fought   British were far better organized   Congress did not fund armies well enough for quality equipment, supplies, food or medical care.

10 #BritishArmyProblems   Many officers refused to fight against Americans   Soldiers enlisted for life   The war was expensive and unpopular in England   The British had to hire many mercenary soldiers from Germany called Hessians

11 George Washington’s Leadership   George Washington had fought in the French and Indian War and was a great military strategist   However, Americans lost almost every early battle in the war   Moral was very low in the fall/winter of 1776   Washington knew he needed a victory before the end of the year

12 Surprising Them in their Undies! Battle of Trenton

13 Battle of Trenton December 1776 OOn the night of December 25, 1776, George Washington crossed the freezing Delaware River to attack Hessians. TThe American troops surprised Hessian mercenary soldiers in an early morning raid and captured nearly 1,000 men. There were no American casualties TThe battle was a major victory for the Americans, as morale was boosted and soon the army began to attract recruits as a result

14 Battle of Saratoga Hope for the Colonies!

15 Battle of Saratoga October 1777   October 7, 1777; Saratoga, New York   Turning point in the war – Victory at Saratoga   American General Heratio Gates faced off against British General John Burgoyne   (Benedict Arnold was the hero, but General Gates gets all the credit – remember this later on)   Ended a major British threat in the northern colonies

16 Why did the Battle of Saratoga take place?   The British plan was to cut the colonies in two along the New York state line like a snake– because when you cut off a snake’s head it dies!   This plan did not work because the colonists killed British generals and Native American guides, and by doing so did not follow eighteenth-century laws of war.

17 American Victory! Burgoyne is forced to surrender.

18 Gaining New Allies!   Upon hearing of the American victory at Saratoga, European countries like France and Spain declared their recognition of the United States of America and fully supported their war for independence.   Help from France in particular was necessary in winning the war!

19 Merci, France!   France lost their North American colonies to the British during the French and Indian War, and they are still bitter.   France sent badly needed supplies such as funds and troops, to the colonies.   France also convinced their ally, Spain, to also help the colonists.   Britain was now forced to fight a two- front war: by land and by sea.

20 Foreign Officers Who Helped Washington   In addition to funds, troops and supplies the French send Marquis de Lafayette to help the Americans.   Lafayette used his own money to provide warm food and shelter for his men and convinced the king of France –Louis XVI (16 th ) to send a 6,000 men army to America.   (Meanwhile, Louis XVI had been already giving secret aid to the Americans).   Another important general from Germany was named Baron de Kalb who had also fought for the French, who was very brave and trusted by George Washington.

21 “ These are the times that try men’s souls…” – Thomas Paine

22 Valley Forge, Pennsylvania Winter of 1777   When British troops took Philadelphia in September of 1777, General Washington was forced to make winter camp about 20 miles from Philadelphia at Valley Forge.   It was a miserable winter for the 10,000 soldiers of the Continental Army at Valley Forge. Washington’s army lacked supplies such as blankets, food and shoes.   2500 men – or about 1/4 of the army - died that winter from malnutrition, exposure or diseases such as smallpox and typhoid fever.   Congress was slow to respond to Washington’s requests for more supplies, and many soldiers deserted the army.

23 Hey Americans, Get It Together!   Though times were tough, Washington’s determination and patriotism inspired men to keep fighting.   Another important addition to the Continental Army was German Officer Baron Friedrich von Steuben. He taught soldiers how to handle rifles and fight in formal battles against the British.   After the hard winter at Valley Forge the American army emerged a more efficient and stronger fighting machine!

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