Water Management for Sustainable Development India Water Week-2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Water Management for Sustainable Development India Water Week-2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water Management for Sustainable Development India Water Week-2015








9 Inauguration at Vigyan Bhawan India Water Week-2015

10 Inauguration at Vigyan Bhawan India Water Week-2015

11 The Events Organized Plenary Session 15 Seminars 13 Panel Discussions 9 Brainstorming Sessions 2 Training Programmes 3 Case Studies Dedicated Special Events on “GWP South Asia and SAARC Regional Day from Risk to Resilience ” organized by the GWP India Water Week-2015

12 Widespread Gathering India Water Week-2015

13 Experience from across the world India Water Week-2015

14 Exhibitions from various stakeholders

15 Intensive discussions India Water Week-2015

16 Enthusiastic participation from younger generation India Water Week-2015

17 Highlights o Total of 1450 delegates ncluding 110 delegates from foreign countries. o Products and services were displayed by 82 companies and agencies o School children and academicians also joined exhibition showcasing their original efforts India Water Week-2015

18 Important Recommendations India Water Week-2015

19 Sub-Theme : 1 Water for Sustaining Life o Adoption of water ethics in policies and practices regarding planning and management of water resources including mitigation of drought is the need of the hour. o Environmental and ecological needs of the river should be assessed on scientific basis to make adequate provisions for the environmental sustainability of the river and adequate storage needs to be created to augment the flows during lean season to meet these requirements. India Water Week-2015

20 Sub-Theme-2 Water Management for Sustainable Agriculture o India needs to focus more on demand management o There is need of capacity building of farmers to make use of various technologies available for efficient water use and efficient use of other agricultural inputs o Organic waste needs to be managed properly which would result in availability of bio- fertilizers and also in improvement of soil nutrients India Water Week-2015

21 Sub-Theme-3 Sustainable Drinking Water Supply o In order to achieve safe drinking water issue in isolated and remote areas, decentralized RO water dispensing 24 X 7 basis are needed. Solar energy may be leveraged to the extent possible o Utilizing the momentum generated by “Swachh Bharat Abhiyan”, we must strive for ensuring sanitation in the country utilizing all available techniques and technology. o In order to ensure sustainability, all measures for utilisation of ground water as well as surface water should be deployed judiciously. A judicious mix of the sources should also be employed India Water Week-2015

22 Sub-Theme-4 Sustainable Urbanization and Water Related Issues o To ensure effective and extensive monitoring of water quality as also waste water quality, there is a need to frame policy and to design monitoring network based on available tools and technology o The waste water may be perceived as resource. There is need to develop business model involving local entrepreneurship for making sewage treatment process a profitable preposition rather than a welfare work o In order to have immediate coverage of fast growing population clusters, decentralized system may be preferred. India Water Week-2015

23 Sub-Theme-5 Sustainable Industrial Development & Water o Effluent treatment processes through affordable and appropriate technology, requires to be stringently implemented inter-sectorally through unambiguous policy statements of the government o The concept of industrial ecology as an important constituent of national or State Water Policy should recognize value of treated effluent as a water resources o Water entitlement and service change etc. are guided by socio economic and geo-political issues and in the present scenario such issues may not be left to the market forces. Experience from other countries including that from Australia may be studied in depth is required India Water Week-2015

24 Sub-Theme - 6 Multi-sectoral and Cross Cutting Issues in Water Resources Management o Establishment of river basin organization to address all water related issues in a coordinated manner need to be expedited with a due emphasis on capacity building on all stakeholders particularly that of State Government Agencies o There was general consensus on expediting the project related to interlining of rivers o Quality management of water resources of the country should be a top priority o Participation of stakeholder is must in water management hence it has to be a “Jan Andolan” India Water Week-2015

25 Sub-Theme - 7 Stakeholder Cooperation for Water Sustainability o Inequalities between stakeholders need to be recognized for participatory approach to work o Interaction at national level involving all States and stakeholders is required to formulate national policy for full scale integration of participatory approach o Legal framework on water should strive to reduce, if not eliminate, inter state water disputes for optimal river basin development and management India Water Week-2015

26 Sub-Theme : 8 Water for Sustainable Energy Development o Coordinated policy and guideline initiatives are needed for providing a stable framework for energy development o In view of very high temporal variations in availability of water resources, conservation and creation of more and more storage are required to optimize the benefits including those for hydropower o We must strive for ideal hydro-thermal mix of 40:60 from the current level of 16:84 India Water Week-2015

27 GWP & SAARC Seminar on “From Risk to Resilience” o Need for due emphasis on capacity building, pooling of experts and joint research & studies among countries of SAARC region o Urgent need for strengthening current response mechanism in respect of floods and particularly the urban flooding India Water Week-2015









36 Thanks India Water Week-2015

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