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It explains learning in terms of observable behaviours and how they are influenced by stimuli from the environment.

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Presentation on theme: "It explains learning in terms of observable behaviours and how they are influenced by stimuli from the environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 It explains learning in terms of observable behaviours and how they are influenced by stimuli from the environment.

2 1. Classical Conditioning 2. Ivan Pavlov’s 5 concepts 3. Generalization 4. Operant Conditioning

3  A type of learning that occurs when individuals learn to produce involuntary emotional or physiological responses similar to instinctive or reflexive responses.

4  Object or event causing the instinctive or reflexive physiological or emotional response.

5  Instinctive or reflexive physiological or emotional response caused by the unconditioned stimulus.

6  An object or event that does not initially impact behaviour one way or the other.

7  Formerly neutral stimulus that becomes associated with the unconditioned stimulus.

8  A learned physiological or emotional response that is similar to the unconditioned response.

9  The conditioned and unconditioned stimuli must exist at the same time.


11 FoodUnconditioned Stimulus Salivation Unconditioned Response (natural, not learned) BellConditioned Stimulus SalivationConditioned Response (to bell)

12 FoodUnconditioned Stimulus SalivationUnconditioned Response (natural, not learned) BellConditioned Stimulus SalivationConditioned Response (to bell)

13  Teachers or peers affect how you feel when you enter the class.  When a teacher creates a friendly environment in the class, the pupils will generally feel comfortable entering the class.

14  Occurs when stimuli is similar- but not identical - to a conditioned stimulus elicit the conditioned response by themselves (N. Jones, Kemenes, & Benjamin, 2001)

15  Observable responses that change in frequency or duration as the result of consequences, events that occur following behaviours. (B.F. Skinner, 1953, 1954)  In summary, behaviours are largely controlled by consequences rather than by stimuli preceding the behaviour. The consequence of an action results in the behaviour portrayed.

16  The term used by B.F. Skinner to describe the effects of the consequences of a particular behavior on the future occurrence of that behavior.  There are four types of Operant Conditioning: Positive Reinforcement, Negative Reinforcement, Punishment, and Extinction.   Both Positive and Negative Reinforcement strengthen behavior while both Punishment and Extinction weaken behavior

17  The process of applying reinforcers to increase behaviour.

18  Process of increasing the frequency or duration of a behaviour as the result of presenting a reinforcer. Sometimes, reinforcing of undesirable behaviour may result.

19  Process of increasing behaviour by avoiding or removing an aversive stimulus (Baldwin & Baldwin, 2001; B.F. Skinner, 1953)

20  The removal of an adverse stimulus which is ‘rewarding’ to the animal. Negative reinforcement strengthens behaviour because it stops or removes an unpleasant experience.

21  a process which reinforces successive approximation of the desired behaviour.

22  Use of punishers to weaken behaviour.

23 Type of stimulus ActionBehaviourConcept Desirable Present Strengthen Positive Reinforcement Aversive Remove Strengthen Negative Reinforcement Present Weaken Type 1 punishment Aversive

24 Desirable Remove Withheld Weaken Type 2 punishment: Time out Type of stimulus ActionBehaviourConcept Extinction

25 The ABC of Behavioral Learning

26  Learning is about the increased probability of a behaviour based on reinforcement which has taken place in the past, so that the antecedents of the new behaviour include the consequences of previous behaviour.

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