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Causes of WWII/Europe Sarah Wall, Emma Dowd, Chris Griswold.

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Presentation on theme: "Causes of WWII/Europe Sarah Wall, Emma Dowd, Chris Griswold."— Presentation transcript:

1 Causes of WWII/Europe Sarah Wall, Emma Dowd, Chris Griswold

2 Map of Europe before WWII

3 Map of Europe after WWII

4 Timeline October 1929- Stock Market Crash that sent Europe into the Great Depression 1930 – German economy reaches an all-time low Holocaust begins- January, 1933 Nazi party won the election in 1934 Germany’s invasion of Poland- Sept. 1 st, 1939 Britain and France declare war on Germany- Sept. 3 rd, 1939 D-Day Invasion- June 6 th, 1944 Germany officially surrenders- June 7 th, 1945

5 The Great Depression in Europe Europe falls into debt after the Treaty of Versailles Stock Market crash in 1929 7 million Germans unemployed Decade of deflation, unemployment and poverty until WWII Political parties lose unity Nazi Party comes to power

6 World War II Adolf Hitler becomes the Chancellor of Germany and begins rallying the German people against the rest of Europe Began September 1 st, 1939 – Germany invades Poland Two days later, Britain and France declare war on Germany Germany and the Nazi party went on to control the majority of Western Europe The leaders of the Axis Powers

7 The Holocaust The systematic murder of the Jewish people across Europe Began January 1933 Jews, Homosexuals, Blacks, and people with disabilities sent to Concentration camps Jews from Poland, Russia, Italy, France, and more also sent to camps 6 million Jews killed from 1933 to 1945

8 Nazi Ideology Idea of an “Aryan Race” Believed that German people deserved “Lebensraum” Blamed Jews for the economic turmoil in Germany

9 D-Day Invasion June 6 th, 1944. Normandy, France Allied Powers attack the Axis Powers Heavy casualties on both sides Invasion opened up a major front against the German army, which put Germany in a two front war. German surrender “Beginning of the end of war in Europe” Germany divided into four zones.

10 German Two-Front War Germany was surrounded by Allied troops on the North and the West, resulting in their eventual defeat. Germany then surrendered World War II.

11 Big names: Nazi Party Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party use depression for their benefit Hitler promised a better life and to overthrow Treaty of Versailles Appealed many people by promising to create a stable government Gain supporters and eventually is selected in 1934

12 Big names: Adolf Hitler Leader of the Nazi Party and Chancellor of Germany Lived in Austria in his 20’s, but moved back to Germany to fight in World War I Although he directed the execution of the Holocaust, Hitler’s Grandfather was a Jewish landowner, making Hitler himself ¼ Jewish. Wrote the book “Main Kampf” while in prison, outlining his plans for the expansion of German territory and extinction of the Jews

13 Dwight D. Eisenhower Supreme Commander in 1943 Motivated soldiers on June 6 th, 1944. “You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you.” 34 th President of the United States

14 Dwight D. Eisenhower Dwight D. Eisenhower motivating his Allied troops prior to the D-Day Invasion on the beaches of Normandy.

15 WAOI Condoms were issued to soldiers during World War II in order to stop the spread of STD’s, but soldiers used them to cover their rifles instead. Before the Holocaust, boy babies were given pink clothes and girl babies were given blue socks, but after gay men were given pink triangles to identify them, the trend changed. Sex dolls were issued by the Nazi Party to their soldiers to slow the syphilis epidemic that they were contracting from French prostitutes.

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