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ALCOHOL. Agenda  What is it? What does it look like?  What are other names for it?  What are the short-term effects?  What are the long-term effects?

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Presentation on theme: "ALCOHOL. Agenda  What is it? What does it look like?  What are other names for it?  What are the short-term effects?  What are the long-term effects?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Agenda  What is it? What does it look like?  What are other names for it?  What are the short-term effects?  What are the long-term effects?  What are the legal status/consequences?  What are some interesting facts about alcohol? (the statistics on alcohol)

3 Description:  One of the most popular drug for youth and adults.  It is a depressant that slows down the activity of the Central Nervous System.  Ethyl Alcohol or Ethanol is produced via fermentation of plant sugars.  Fermentation is the chemical conversion of sugar to alcohol, by yeast organisms.

4 Other Names:  Beer,  Brew,  Suds,  Wine,  Vino,  Grog,  Hooch,  Moonshine,  Spirits,  Booze.

5 B.A.C.  Blood Alcohol Concentration  the ratio of alcohol to total blood volume (measured in %)  used to measure physiological and behavioural effects of alcohol  severe impairment at 0.08%.....the legal limit is 0.05%

6 B.A.C. Cont…  Alcohol is absorbed into the blood stream through the stomach and small intestine.  It quickly leads to the slowing down of the brain and central nervous system function. (i.e. decisions and movements are slower!

7 B.A.C. Cont…  A drinker’s B.A.C. is dependant on a several factors:  The amount of alcohol consumed  The drinker’s size, sex, body build, and metabolism  Type and amount of food in the stomach

8 Metabolism of Alcohol  The average adult (70 kg male) can get rid of (metabolize) 2/3 of drink per hour. This means it would take over 6 hours to metabolize 5 drinks! And much more for teenagers!  The alcohol is metabolized in the liver where a special enzyme helps to break it down.  Women have less of this enzyme and thus require more time to metabolize alcohol than men.

9 Short-Term Effects:  Feel more relaxed and less inhibited.  Will not be able to think as clearly, and judgement and decision-making will be affected.

10 Short-Term Effects Continued…  Reflexes will become slower; will have trouble working and doing things which require any physical and mental coordination.

11 Short-Term Effects Continued…  Mood may change; may become angry or take more risks.  If the person drinks a large amount of alcohol on a single occasion of alcohol on a single occasion (binge drinking), the breathing system may slow down seriously or even stop, causing death (alcohol poisoning). (binge drinking), the breathing system may slow down seriously or even stop, causing death (alcohol poisoning).  The effects of alcohol may increase if combined with increase if combined with certain other drugs. certain other drugs.  Short-term effects are intensified with binge drinking

12 Long-Term Effects: A person who drinks heavily on a regular basis may develop:  Inflamed stomach or pancreas.  Cirrhosis of the liver.  Certain cancers of the gastrointestinal tract. gastrointestinal tract.  Heart disease.

13 Long-Term Effects Continued…  Brain and nerve damage.  The production of sex hormones will decrease in men.  In women, prenatal exposure to alcohol can cause Fetal Alcohol Effects (FAE) or Syndrome (facial abnormalities, growth deficiencies and damage to the CNS which can result in developmental delays, learning disabilities, hyperactivity, memory deficits).

14 Legal Status/Consequences (in Canada):  The legal age to consume or purchase alcohol is 19.  Other legal issues include: - liquor consumed in a place other than residence; - intoxication in public places; - selling liquor without a license; - transporting alcohol; - alcohol given to a minor in the family home by the parent; - liability issues regarding home hosting, social hosting in other locations.

15 Facts about Alcohol

16 Facts Continued…


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