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Video game addiction BY: Jordan.

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1 Video game addiction BY: Jordan

2 Introduction My project is on video game addiction. In these slides I will be talking about video games addiction in people.

3 Being addicted If you are addicted to the video game screen you may lose a lot of your friends and gain lots of weight because of the way you will eat. You may skip school because of the addiction that you may have.

4 Cons of being addicted Violent games can sometimes make people do things they normally wouldn’t do. Such as becoming a cereal killer thinking they’re playing a game. Damages eyesight if you play for a very long time and headaches Lack of social interaction Become lazy and unfit Disturbed eating habits

5 Pros of being addicted If you play sports games you may learn the rules from it If you play killing games you may becomes famous and win money You may increase your hand eye coordination

6 Having Xbox 360 or ps3 ps3 Xbox 360 Cheaper than the PS3
It has a blue-ray player which gives better sound and graphics -It has free Wi-Fi -It doesn't use a points system for downloads so you know exactly how much you are buying something for -Free online music streaming (vidzone) -It has BBC I player -It can run Linux OS so it can double up as a pc (not on the slim) -You can get play TV on it -you can connect your psp to your PS3 and remotely access your PS3 home helps find cures for diseases by using some of the PS3's processing power -Has a low failure rate (although these rates are changing from year to year. -Lots of media support such as photos, videos and music. -Controllers charged by usb cable. -It has a browser Cheaper than the PS3 -The online community is larger than that of the PS3 -Lots of popular exclusives (although the same can be said for the PS3

7 Modern day video games Some modern day video games are call of duty, bioshock, fall out 3, left for dead 3, LA NOIRE and uncharted

8 Retro video games Some retro video games are Pac-man commando some stations are Nintendo 64, GameCube, Atari

9 Why people like PS3 Some people will like playing on PS3 because of its blu-ray feature.

10 Why people like Xbox 360 It has better graphics then the.

11 Bibliography

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