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Civil rights movement 1950/1960 Lauren Lee Youjin Kwon.

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1 Civil rights movement 1950/1960 Lauren Lee Youjin Kwon

2 the question Q: Compare and contrast the civil rights movement in the 1950s and the 1960s

3 1950s Civil Rights Movement is getting started I am a Man

4 victory in supreme court Brown v. Board of Education (1954) unanimous decision by the Supreme Court,that declared “separate but equal” (Plessy v. Ferguson) was unconstitutional in public schools meant desegregation in U.S. public schools The National Association for Advancement of Colored People argued this case led by thurgood Marshall who later became the first black Supreme Court justice

5 Little Change Even after the court case, Jim Crow Laws continued to exist. Desegregation of public schools were slow to change. only 1% of schools in Deep South desegregated in 10 years People were still very much against desegregation The Little Rock Central High school incident forced Eisenhower to send troops to Little Rock, Arkansas to enforce integration

6 Rosa Parks The most famous incident of civil rights movement in 1950s was Rosa Parks protest on the public pus 1955, Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat to a white and move her seat to the back of the bus Leads to a year-long Montgomery Bus Boycott Rosa Park’s courage influences many other civil rights movements in the 1960s

7 Emmett Till He was an African American boy who was murdered at the age of 14 in Mississippi by the white racists. One of the leading events along with Rosa Parks that motivated the Civil Rights Movement Emmett’s mother did a open casket funeral to show people how brutal the racists were. Till had been beaten and his eye had been gouged out, before he was shot through the head and thrown into the Tallahatchie River with a 70-pound cotton gin fan tied to his body with barbed wire.Tallahatchie Rivercotton ginbarbed wire

8 civil rights org. SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference)-MLK’s organization where adults peacefully protested with boycotts SNCC (Student Nonviolence Coordinating Committee)- college students performed “sit-ins” in white part of the restaurant CORE (congress of Racial equality) and Freedom Rides- bus boycotts from city to city

9 1960s Actual legislation on civil rights passed by the federal government and the movement fractures Black power

10 Birmingham MLK and peaceful protestors were attacked by the police with dogs and hoses broadcasted to an international audience shocked the whole world and negative image of the U.S. (similar effect as Uncle Tom’s Cabin)

11 Freedom summer organized by the CORE, SNCC, and the NAACP, encouraged African Americans to register to VOTE James Meredith- first black to attend University of Mississippi (all white) had to attend classes with federal troops 8 million dollars spent to get him to school

12 March on washington Video: March on Washington “I have a dream”

13 JFK and LBJ 1960-63 JFK- Birmingham made JFK fully supportive as well as his brother that urged him to support JFK assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald Medger Evers (civil rights leader) killed (precursor to MLK and Malcom X’s assassination) 1963- 68 LBJ’s Great Society

14 LBJ’s accomplishment 24th amendment- ended the poll tax Selma- MLK and demonstrators also violently attacked here after Birmingham Civil Rights Act of 1964- prohibited segregation in ALL PUBLIC AREAS Voting Rights Act of 1965- ensured black suffrage (re- established the 15th amendment)

15 black power Movement fractured into 2: MLK’s nonviolent resistance vs. Black power means black pride, black is beautiful, more militant but still emphasized “self-defense” more than attack Black Panthers- organization of young black men which addressed police brutality carried shotguns “pick up the gun” but also set up medical clinics, afterschool programs leaders such as Huey Newton even invited to China by Mao

16 Black Power Malcom X- “white man is the devil” “separation than integration” “MLK is weak Uncle Tom” “put him in the cemetery if touched first” Stokely Carmichael- leader of SNCC converted to black power from non-violence Long Hot Summers- seires of race riots in LA, Ny, etc “I could vote, but I still don’t have a job”

17 quiz! Question: Who set precedent of the civil rights movement in the 1950s?

18 quiz! Answer: Rosa Parks or Emmett Till

19 quiz! Question: Name two incidents when black protestors were brutally suppressed by the police.

20 quiz! Answer: Birmingham and Selma

21 quiz! Question: Name any two of the African American civil rights movement leaders

22 quiz! Answer: MLK, Malcom X, Stokely Carmichael, Huey Newton, Medger Evers

23 quiz! Question: Name this person who was one of the leaders of the NAACP and later the first black Supreme Court Justice. He also led the case of Brown v. Board of Education

24 quiz! Answer: Thurgood Marshall

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