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Digital Divide. What is the Digital Divide? Gap between those who benefit from digital technology and those who do not Does not only apply to those in.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Divide. What is the Digital Divide? Gap between those who benefit from digital technology and those who do not Does not only apply to those in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Divide

2 What is the Digital Divide? Gap between those who benefit from digital technology and those who do not Does not only apply to those in “developing” or “third world” countries

3 What is the Digital Divide? Exists for different reasons in different parts of the world – Economic status – Age

4 PoorOlder Internet at home36%42% Use Internet at least once per day 20%18% At least once a week13%11% At least once a month3% Less then once a month2% Reason – too expensive7% Reason – Lack of confidence 4% Reason – Not interested32%

5 Evolution 1996- First seen as a policy issue Late 90’s – IT companies give money to philanthropic efforts with the goal of lessening the Divide Early 2000’s – Multinational corporations team up with developing countries to promote disruptive technologies Today – Focus on creating meaningful uses of technology

6 Steps in the Right Direction IGADD – E-Rate Program Municipal WiFi 50+ social networking sites Web portals

7 Challenges Who will contribute? Cultural differences Who will spearhead? What is the point?

8 Our opinion Spread the word Go with IGADD’s philosophy More research

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