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Gateway Engineering Education Coalition Using Humor in the Classroom Or…

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Presentation on theme: "Gateway Engineering Education Coalition Using Humor in the Classroom Or…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gateway Engineering Education Coalition Using Humor in the Classroom Or…

2 Gateway Engineering Education Coalition2 “Everything you wanted to know about being funny in class but were too afraid to ask.”

3 Gateway Engineering Education Coalition3 Why Even Try to Be Funny?? Humor: Increases student attention and involvement. Has a positive effect upon learning retention. Creates a comfortable social environment. Gets discussions started faster Encourages response in Q&A sessions.

4 Gateway Engineering Education Coalition4 Make Humor Relevant

5 Gateway Engineering Education Coalition5 Make Humor Relevant Humor does not have to be a diversion or digression from the lecture. Whenever possible, weave humor into what your students are already learning.

6 Gateway Engineering Education Coalition6 Focus on the Positive!!

7 Gateway Engineering Education Coalition7 Focus on the Positive!! Adopting a light, playful mind set helps establish a warm, safe learning environment. Negative comments, such as on the usefulness of the material, create frustration in students and leads to low motivation.

8 Gateway Engineering Education Coalition8 Practice Verbal and Nonverbal Playfulness

9 Gateway Engineering Education Coalition9 Practice Verbal and Nonverbal Playfulness Use facial animation: smile, make lively expressions, and let your eyes sparkle. Use comfortable body language and a relaxed voice. Make sure your nonverbal messages match your verbal messages.

10 Gateway Engineering Education Coalition10 Use Humor to Relieve Tension

11 Gateway Engineering Education Coalition11 Use Humor to Relieve Tension Develop your ability to read your students' tension levels. When you sense tension, try to defuse it by making a humorous remark or telling a funny story.

12 Gateway Engineering Education Coalition12 Target Yourself, Not Your Students

13 Gateway Engineering Education Coalition13 Target Yourself, Not Your Students To avoid a sense of threat, the safest target for humor is yourself, not your students. DO NOT poke fun at religious beliefs, race, or gender. Such comments cause animosity and a hostile environment for learning.

14 Gateway Engineering Education Coalition14 Target Yourself, Not Your Students Four Questions to Ask Yourself When Using Humor: 1. Is it Appropriate? 2. Is it Timely? 3. Is it Tasteful? 4. Is it even Funny?

15 Gateway Engineering Education Coalition15 AT&T Humor Test Humorous?Yes___No___Depends:___ Appropriate? Yes___No___Depends:___ Timely? Yes___No___Depends:___ Tasteful? Yes___No___Depends:___ Activity:

16 Gateway Engineering Education Coalition16 Questions & Comments

17 Gateway Engineering Education Coalition17 References and Further Information: Deiter, Ron "What's So Funny About Teaching 'Dismal' Science Classes?" Gorham, J., & Christophel, D.M. (1990). The relationship of teachers' use of humor in the classroom to immediacy and student learning. Communication Education, 39, 46-61. LeMieux, A.C. (2000). Only Connect. ALAN Review, 27 (2), 11-16. Project T.E.A.C.H: Teacher Effectiveness and Classroom Handling. Shade, Richard A.: “License to Laugh: Humor in the Classroom”

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