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2 WHAT IS MY TOPIC The Topic which I have chosen to do my research project on is the mental disorder (or Though Disorder) Schizophrenia, which affects a person like you or me. The reason I have chosen this topic is because I have several relatives who were schizophrenic, and I want to know if this can effect me, and I am interested to know how it affects people who have it.

3 WHAT I KNOW ABOUT SCHIZOPHRENIA Schizophrenia is a mental health condition which affects people’s minds and causes the shape of their brain to change. Schizophrenia can cause people to hallucinate and become paranoid, and believe things that aren't really true are actually happening Schizophrenia is similar in effects to traumatic brain injuries (which can lead to mental illness)

4 WHAT IS SCHIZOPHRENIA (WHAT I LEARNED ABOUT IT) Psychotic disorder of unknown origins, occurs as simple, paranoid, catatonic, hebephrenic, characterized by a disturbance in thinking. First described: 1890’s by German psychiatrist Emit Kraepelin. In paranoid Schizophrenia, persons hallucinate, hear voices that aren't there, and see images that exists only in their heads.

5 CONTINUED WITH WHAT I LEARNED Schizophrenia Usually hits people in their late teens, but can also hit latter in life People born in late winter (February-March) and in cities have a higher risk of the disease than those born in warmer months in the countryside. Besides hallucinations, Schizophrenia can cause difficulties in moving, and inability to feel pleasure. Marijuana can increase the effects of schizophrenia.

6 SO CAN IT EFFECT YOU? About 1 in 100 people develop Schizophrenia, chief symptoms: apathy, delusions, blunting of emotions, hearing of inner voices. Cause of Schizophrenia is unknown, although most doctors believe the cause of it is genetic People with siblings who are schizophrenic between 7-9 times more likely to be schizophrenic themselves. 80 % of Schizophrenia is genetic.

7 THE TRUTH ABOUT SCHIZOPHRENIA According to a researcher and professor at Temple University, the mentally ill were portrayed as violent in 60 % of the roles in Television and in movies, in reality, only 1.5% of assaults over a 10-year period were committed by people with mental disorders (according to the department of justice). Rumor: people with Schizophrenia have split-personalities Truth: they have a thought disorder Rumor: Schizophrenia cannot be treated Truth: Schizophrenia can be treated through medicine

8 WHAT I HAVE LEARNED DURING MY RESEARCH I am more susceptible to Schizophrenia due to the fact that it runs in my family, genetically, however because I am not directly related to anyone with it in my family, I am less likely to worry about getting it. Schizophrenia can be treated through medicine, though it cannot technically be “cured” someone with Schizophrenia can be medicated and able to work like any other person. People with Schizophrenia and other forms of mental illness are not usually violent and should not be feared or considered dumb, as many are in just as smart as you or me.


10 WORKS CITED Webster's 3rd New International Dictionary Unabridged. Merriam C. Webster. Merriam- Webster Publishing, Springfield Ma, 01102 Begley, Sharon. “The Mind Imprisoned.” Teen Newsweek 08 Apr 2002: 4t. Sirs Discoverer. Web. 6 Mar 2013. Smith, Michael, “Schizophrenia tied to winter, urban birth.” UPI. Feb. 25 1999; N.P. Sirs discoverer, Web. Mar 11 2013 Bernstein, Linda. “The puzzle of Schizophrenia.” Current Health 2 (vol. 34, no. 7). Mar 2008: 12t. Sirs Discoverer. Web. 14 Mar 2013 Gard, Carolyn. “How the media portrays mental illness.” Current Health 2. Sept. 24-25. Sirs discoverer. Web. 12 Mar 2013.

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