School Certificate Higher School Certificate Reporting to NSW Schools on the School Certificate and the Higher School Certificate Presenter: Carol Taylor,

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Presentation on theme: "School Certificate Higher School Certificate Reporting to NSW Schools on the School Certificate and the Higher School Certificate Presenter: Carol Taylor,"— Presentation transcript:

1 School Certificate Higher School Certificate Reporting to NSW Schools on the School Certificate and the Higher School Certificate Presenter: Carol Taylor, Director, Assessment and Examinations, NSW Board of Studies

2 Schools Online Schools send and receive information to the NSW Office of the Board of Studies (OBOS) via Schools Online Schools Online is a secure website developed by OBOS, which is accessed without charge by the Principal or delegate through a username and password

3 Schools Online Site Map

4 Display a Students’ Results

5 School vs State Grading Pattern Comparison

6 School Group Statistics Report

7 Higher School Certificate Components Reports In some HSC courses, students are required to present for more than one examination These are referred to as Components

8 For Visual Arts:

9 For English as a Second Lang.:

10 For such courses we provide an additional report to schools via Schools Online This is known as the: HSC Components Report It shows students’ relative performance across the components. HSC Components Reports (cont.)

11 Features of the HSC report It sorts students from the school group in descending order by Exam Mark For each student it shows the percentage of total marks gained from each component It also provides, for each component, the mean percentage for the school group and the nominal weighting It includes a page of explanatory notes

12 HSC Components Report

13 School Certificate Components Reports For the School Certificate tests we also provide Components Reports However, the components used are particular skills/topics covered in the test Each year, all test questions are linked with a particular component

14 SC Components Report

15 Results Analysis Package Schools can also pay an annual fee to access further data about the performance of their students and the state These data are presented in the Results Analysis Package, a program developed by the NSW Board of Studies This program includes several statistical tools to analyse school/state performance:

16 Mark Comparison

17 Multiple Choice Analysis by Band

18 Band Summary

19 Course Report Analysis

20 Z-Score Analysis

21 One can also analyse school/state performance on particular multiple choice questions

22 Multiple Choice Analysis by Band

23 Multiple Choice Analysis

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