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Romeo and Juliet Forbidden Love and Family Loyalty.

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Presentation on theme: "Romeo and Juliet Forbidden Love and Family Loyalty."— Presentation transcript:

1 Romeo and Juliet Forbidden Love and Family Loyalty

2 Who is William Shakespeare? The Globe Theater

3 Who is William Shakespeare? Born in 1564 to John and Mary Arden Shakespeare 1582: Married to Anne 1583: Birth of Daughter Susanna 1585: Birth of twins: Judith and Hamnet 1587-1592: Established in London as actor/playwright; first work Comedy of Errors

4 Who is William Shakespeare? 1593: Begins writing sonnets (until 1597-ish) 1594-1596: Some more famous plays Romeo and Juliet and Midsummer Night’s Dream 1597-1608: Best known plays including the rest of the tragedies 1599: The Globe Theatre built 1609: Publication of the Sonnets April 23, 1616: Shakespeare dies

5 His Works Poetry o The Sonnets o The Rape of Lucrece Plays  Tragedies: Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Macbeth  Comedies: Much Ado About Nothing  Histories: Richard III, Henry V

6 The Time Period Elizabethan Era The Renaissance Actors were men only o Men even played female roles! Plays were one of the main source of entertainment

7 Three Classifications of Shakespearean Drama: COMEDY HISTORY TRAGEDY

8 Romeo and Juliet is a… Tragedy

9 TRAGIC HERO You will need to know this Qualities of a Tragic Hero: Possesses high importance or rank Exhibits extraordinary talents Displays a tragic flaw—an error in judgment or defect in character—that leads to downfall Faces downfall with courage and dignity

10 Act I Vocabulary Words adversary –opponent; enemy boisterous – noisily jolly or rowdy nuptial – having to do with marriage or a marriage ceremony augmenting – adding to warrant – swear begot - born

11 Shakespearian Words Act I dog – a man of low standing in society, no one wants anything to do with him maidenhead - virginity bite my thumb – the ultimate insult (like giving someone the finger) shrift - confession coz - nephew

12 BLANK VERSE Act 1 Literary terms Written like poetry But tells a story More free-flowing rules o doesn’t have a rhyme scheme or set number of lines, etc. Iambic Pentameter

13 Iambic Pentameter Act 1 Literary Terms Lines have a rhythm to them 10 syllables Pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables He JESTS at SCARS that NEV er FELT a WOUND But SOFT! what LIGHT through YON der WIN dow BREAKS?

14 SOLILOQUY AND ASIDE Act 1 Literary Terms Soliloquy - Long speech given by a character while alone on stage to reveal his or her private thoughts or intentions Aside - Character’s quiet remark to the audience or another character that no one else on stage is supposed to hear

15 Conflict Act 1 Literary Terms External o Man vs. Man Example: o Man vs. Nature Example: o Man vs. Society Example: Internal o Man vs. himself Example:

16 Foil Act 1 Literary Terms A character with qualities that are in sharp contrast to another character, thus emphasizing the qualities of each How is Mercutio a foil to Romeo?

17 Figurative Language Act 1 Literary Terms Simile – comparison using “like” or “as” o Her face is like a summer’s day… Metaphor – comparison by saying one thing is another; finding similarities in two seemingly unalike things o “I am the East, and Juliet is the West…”

18 Figurative Language Act 1 Literary Terms Pun – play on words o "Vandals destroyed many road signs. They really pulled out all the stops." Alliteration - group of words that begin with the same letter or sound o desire doth in his deathbed lie

19 Foreshadowing Act 1 Literary Terms A hint about what is to come in literature or what the outcome of the conflict will be

20 Act 1 Literary Terms Characterization: The way the author describes a character, through dialogue, descriptions, actions and reactions. Couplet: Two lines that rhyme Epithet: a characterizing word or phrase firmly associated with a person or thing and often used in place of its actual name

21 Act 1 Characters Chorus Sampson Gregory Abram Benvolio Citizen Tybalt Capulet Lady capulet Montague Lady Montague Prince Romeo Paris Peter Nurse Juliet Mercutio 1 st Servingman 2 nd servingman Capulet’s cousin


23 DRAMATIC IRONY Act 2 Literary Terms Irony—contrast between appearance and reality Dramatic Irony—the audience or reader knows something the character(s) does not know

24 Act II Vocabulary 1. cunning - skillful, sly, clever 2. vile - repulsive, wicked, disgusting 3. predominant - having superior strength, influence, or authority 4. unwieldy - hard to manage because of size or weight 5. bounty - generosity, something given generously 6. substantial - existing, real, not imaginary 7. imagery - word pictures, words that paint a picture

25 Act 2 Literary Terms Analogy: a similarity between like features of 2 things. Situational irony: When what happens is the opposite of what is expected Verbal Irony: When what is said is opposite of what is meant Monologue: a prolonged talk by a single speaker Oxymoron: “cruel kindness” Soliloquy: when someone is talking to themselves alone

26 Character List Act 2 Narrator Chorus Romeo Benvolio Mercutio Juliet Nurse Friar Lawrence Peter

27 Journal Entry Write about a time when you've done something wrong and it's affected others around you. What did you do? How did it affect others? What consequences did you face? Did you resolve it?


29 * Banishment: to kick out or get rid of * Dexterity: skill in using the hands or body, agile * Idolatry: excessive or blind adoration * Reconcile: to make amends or to make right * Exile: to expel from ones native land * Fickle: likely to change * Gallant: brave, noble-minded, chilvarous Act 3 Vocabulary

30 Act 3 Literary Terms Allusion: a reference to something Climax: the peak of a story Dramatic structure: the structure of a story. – Plot Pyramid Symbol: when an object or word has a figurative and literal meaning.

31 Do Now Assume that you write an advice column for a newspaper or magazine. A modern day Romeo (or Juliet) writes to you asking for advice. He or she explains what happened at the party and also mentions the family feud. 1.Write what his or her letter says. 2.Write your response


33 Act 4 Vocabulary Lament: to show great sorrow for Shroud: a piece of cloth to cover up a corpse Vial: a small container Loathsome: disgusting, revolting, repulsive

34 Act 4 Literary terms Protagonist: the hero of the story, the leading character Antagonist: the villan, a person who is opposed to, struggles against, or competes with another.


36 Act 5 Vocabulary Ambiguity: doubtfulness or uncertainty of meaning or intention Peruse: to read through Remnants: the remaining parts or pieces Haughty: Snobbish

37 Act 5 Literary terms Motivation: providing a reason to act a certain way Theme: the moral of the story, the unifying or dominant idea of a piece of work


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