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1 „Library & School“, Goethe-Institut Riga 22./23.09.2005 School libraries in Bavaria Demands Role of State Martin Sachse, OStR

2 „Library & School“, Goethe-Institut Riga 22./23.09.2005 PISA 2000 / PISA 2003 Weiß, Manfred / Steinert, Brigitte (2001): Institutional guidelines and their active realization – The perspective of the head teachers. In: PISA 2000. Ed.: German PISA-Consortium. Opladen: Leske & Budrich, pp 427-454: A positive remark: Meanwhile, many schools have a school library on their own, even though the situation in secondary schools is much better than in primary schools. More than 2/3 of the “Hauptschulen” have a classroom library. p 442

3 „Library & School“, Goethe-Institut Riga 22./23.09.2005 Equipments and measures to promote reading in German schools (%) p 442 Equipments and measuresHauptschuleRealschuleGymnasium School library60,361,792,7 Study-group „Reading“, study-group „Literature“ 11,53,818,9 Study-group „Theatre“52,953,584,2 Reading-clubs0,0 7,6 Classroom libraries68,842,137,8 Book-Newspaper1,60,81,4 Project „Newspaper in School“44,634,058,6 School magazine49,850,486,7 Workshop Writing13,70,010,9 Promotion courses in reading62,446,811,5

4 „Library & School“, Goethe-Institut Riga 22./23.09.2005 PISA 2003

5 „Library & School“, Goethe-Institut Riga 22./23.09.2005 PIRLS / IGLU Rank / ParticipantResult (Points) 01 Sweden561 02 Netherlands554 05 Baden-Wuerttemberg549 06 Bavaria546 07 Latvia545 10 Lithuania543 11 Hungary543 15 Germany539 16 Czech Republic537

6 „Library & School“, Goethe-Institut Riga 22./23.09.2005 PIRLS / IGLU-E

7 „Library & School“, Goethe-Institut Riga 22./23.09.2005 PIRLS / IGLU

8 „Library & School“, Goethe-Institut Riga 22./23.09.2005 Innovations and conclusions: The Bavarian school libraries  Development of new curricula. Hauptschule Realschule Gymnasium  Promotion of day care: schools that hold classes all day.  Lessons of repetition and intensification.

9 „Library & School“, Goethe-Institut Riga 22./23.09.2005 „Working at and with school libraries in Bavaria“ Announcement of the Bavarian state ministry, November 17 th, 2003: „Working at and with school libraries in Bavaria“  Introduction: importance of promoting reading at and with school libraries; UNESCO- manifesto; development of school libraries into multimedia centers of information, knowledge and communication  Connection with the announcement of August, 7 th, 2003: „Media education and IT at school“

10 „Library & School“, Goethe-Institut Riga 22./23.09.2005 „Working at and with school libraries in Bavaria“ Announcement of the Bavarian state ministry, November 17 th, 2003: „Working at and with school libraries in Bavaria“ Purpose of school libraries:  Joy of reading; independent learning; finding information, judging and working with it; working at and with school libraries as a duty of all subjects (incl. mathematics, biology, …)  Amalgamation of all libraries at school.  Co-operation with public libraries.  Encouragement of children who emigrated from foreign countries.

11 „Library & School“, Goethe-Institut Riga 22./23.09.2005 „Working at and with school libraries in Bavaria“ Announcement of the Bavarian state ministry, November 17 th, 2003: „Working at and with school libraries in Bavaria“ Equipment:  Making suitable rooms available, establishment of places for reading and working, financing equipment in the long term.  Integration and founding of associations supporting libraries.

12 „Library & School“, Goethe-Institut Riga 22./23.09.2005 „Working at and with school libraries in Bavaria“ Announcement of the Bavarian state ministry, November 17 th, 2003: „Working at and with school libraries in Bavaria“ Tasks of representatives (1):  Responsibility for equipment.  Making an inventory and a catalogue.  Establishing the stock, conserving and expanding the collection.  Organizing the borrowing of media.  Support of and didactical-methodological advice for teachers.  In-school training courses.  Co-operation with public libraries.

13 „Library & School“, Goethe-Institut Riga 22./23.09.2005 „Working at and with school libraries in Bavaria“ Announcement of the Bavarian state ministry, November 17 th, 2003: „Working at and with school libraries in Bavaria“ Tasks of representatives (2):  Training, among others at the Bavarian Academy for teacher training (Dillingen).  Support by other employees and persons (incl. pupils and parents). Teaching and learning at and with the school library:  Promotion of reading competence.  Working on projects.  …

14 „Library & School“, Goethe-Institut Riga 22./23.09.2005 Under construction! Reading promotion and school libraries

15 „Library & School“, Goethe-Institut Riga 22./23.09.2005 School libraries in Bavaria FAQs and didactics of school library Representatives: Tasks and workplace Qualification of representatives Equipment Establisihing the stock, conservation Administration and OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) Software Systematic organization Rules of library Co-operation with public libraries Contact addresses School libraries:

16 „Library & School“, Goethe-Institut Riga 22./23.09.2005 Manual  Organization  Co-operation school library / public library  Equipment and administration  Educational possibilities  Glossary  Literature  Addresses, Links

17 „Library & School“, Goethe-Institut Riga 22./23.09.2005 Development of materials and concepts for German (reading and writing) as a duty of all subjects  Project of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany (KMK), leadership: Bavaria (ISB).  Collection and development of representative examples.  More than 10 publications, e. g. „Reading competence in sciences“ or „Reading competence at school: School libraries and co-operation with publishers“ ‣ ProLesen (= ProReading)

18 „Library & School“, Goethe-Institut Riga 22./23.09.2005 Thank you very much for your kind attention! For further information and for receiving this presentation please write to:

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