Active Learning: Why & How?. Teaching Metaphors Alignment with Teaching Goals? Teaching Goals Inventory Higher order thinking is rated as the most important.

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Presentation on theme: "Active Learning: Why & How?. Teaching Metaphors Alignment with Teaching Goals? Teaching Goals Inventory Higher order thinking is rated as the most important."— Presentation transcript:

1 Active Learning: Why & How?

2 Teaching Metaphors

3 Alignment with Teaching Goals? Teaching Goals Inventory Higher order thinking is rated as the most important goal at 4-year colleges

4 Today’s Students Vision of Students Today - 2011

5 Active Learning Analysis Synthesis Evaluation ENGAGEMENT Active response engages areas related to memory and attention

6 WHY? Selective Attention

7 Attention Requires Mental Effort! Attention Capacity: 20-25 minutes Did you ever fall asleep in a class? MUST grab attention back

8 Pair-Share Good: Pause at least 3 times for 2 minutes Better: Pause and let students compare notes every 20 minutes

9 Simple Techniques 1 (or 2) minute papers i.e., “What is one take-away message for today’s class?” Muddiest point Make sure you come back next class to answer questions. In-class question Create question and answer question

10 Active Listening Technique After Student A answers a question, ask Student B to summarize the response of Student A.

11 Panel Discussions Assign a topic Pair with the in-class question

12 Student Debates Allows students to take a position and support it with logic/data BUT why not make it more interesting?

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