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grafting word- inflation hodgepodge self- plagiarism messy neatness narcissism crypticism schizophrenia.

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2 grafting word- inflation hodgepodge self- plagiarism messy neatness narcissism crypticism schizophrenia


4 Before you begin: Determine the purpose of your paper. Determine the audience you are writing for. Develop the thesis of your paper. Then: Brainstorm: List all the ideas that you want to include in your paper. Organize : Group related ideas together. Order : Arrange material in subsections from general to specific or from abstract to concrete. Label : Create main and sub headings.

5 Word processor's ability to facilitate small changes!  Compose when they need to be planning, edit when they need to be revising.

6 substitute writing for thinking Substitute rethinking for editing (for purpose, audience, content, strategy, and effectiveness) Numerous versions without one important improvement in the thought; Grafting on additional phrases, till even the qualifiers are qualified and the whole

7 The ease to write on a computer!

8 Reticent students People who have little to say take a long time to say it devise dozens of ways of coming close to saying what they mean crypticism Each mysterious word stands for phrases, sentences, even whole pages of unwritten intentions. Teachers have to pry the words apart to uncover the thoughts concealed between them. Word-inflation multiplies.

9 Computer memory is amazing! “Paste” instead of retyping!

10 narcissism The tendency of being attached to what have been written Computers make this attachment harder to break self- plagiarism Reuse becomes a universal, invisible step in writing. Blocks of self-contained material are stacked in the midst of new passages ? having little sense of how to combine the different parts lurches, shifts in convention, and changes in tone between new and old writings

11 Powerful searching engines!

12 hodgepodgeCo-authorship a colloid of conflicting styles: one section was written by a psychologist with a propensity for theoretical language, another by a computer programmer concerned mainly with the technical characteristics of machinery, another by a manager recording the history of the project In the midst of the sections, there are insertions of a few sentences by the author in his own style. schizophrenic prose +

13 A beautiful print-out of perfectly-formatted clean copy! Confuse clean copy with completed copy and feel finished long before there is a reason to Messy neatness!

14 New “banking ” concept Old good learning habits that are conducive to the development of the ability and capability of students to pursue appropriate and complementary social and achievement goals.

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