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Enrichment and Remedial Program

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Presentation on theme: "Enrichment and Remedial Program"— Presentation transcript:

1 Enrichment and Remedial Program
Yan Oi Tong Tin Ka Ping Secondary School Mathematics Panel Enrichment and Remedial Program

2 Introduction Enrichment:For those who have better Mathematics capability, aim at helping them to achieve more. Remedial:For those who need more support in specific topics

3 Enrichment Program Junior Form Mathematics Class 初中數學班
Mathematics Competition 數學比賽 Mathematics Week 數學週 School Mathematics Team 數學代表隊

4 Junior Form Mathematics Class
Target: F1, F2 students Mentor: F5, F6 students

5 Mathematics Competition
F1 – 8/10/2010 F2 F3

6 F1 Mathematics Competition

7 F1 Mathematics Competition

8 F1 Mathematics Competition

9 F1 Mathematics Competition

10 F1 Mathematics Competition

11 F1 Mathematics Competition

12 F1 Mathematics Competition
2017/4/25 F1 Mathematics Competition

13 Mathematics Week

14 Mathematics Week

15 Mathematics Week

16 Mathematics Week

17 Mathematics Week

18 Mathematics Week

19 Mathematics Week

20 Mathematics Week

21 Mathematics Week

22 Mathematics Week

23 Mathematics Week

24 Mathematics Week

25 Mathematics Week

26 Mathematics Week

27 Mathematics Week

28 School Mathematics Team

29 Remedial Program Pre-Form One Remedial Class 小六升中一入學前輔導班
Based on the result of attainment test  In summer holiday before Form One Chapter-Based Remedial Class 統測輔導班 After form test Target : students weak in specific chapters

30 Chapter-Based Remedial Class

31 Characteristics of low achiever
2017/4/25 Characteristics of low achiever Lack self-motivation Avoid facing the problems Unwilling to ask questions Lack concentration Weak in presentation (written and oral)

32 Our Challenges Mathematical abilities of Primary students
Individual differences Time allocation of students Medium of Instruction

33 Positive Attitude Towards Mathematics Learning
English textbook & Medium of Instruction Bridging Program Booklet Class work Book Homework Book Primary School  Focus on the answer only Secondary School  Focus on the calculation steps

34 Sample Script

35 Positive Attitude Towards Mathematics Learning
The importance of logical thinking and problem-solving  Mathematics competition and Mathematics Week Understanding and problem solving rather than giving only the answer

36 Used Mathematics Book Textbook + Exercise book One set per family

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