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The Nazis: Hitler’s rise to power The Early Nazis n Hitler entered as a spy in 1919 when they had 40 members. n By 1921 he was chairman and the membership.

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2 The Nazis: Hitler’s rise to power

3 The Early Nazis n Hitler entered as a spy in 1919 when they had 40 members. n By 1921 he was chairman and the membership was up to 3,000. (The party was primarily local to Bavaria)

4 The Nazi Program 25 Point program adopted in 1920 - n Exclusion of Jews from the “Volk” - a quote of Hitler’s was “…total removal.” n Aryan superiority n Nationalism n Profit sharing

5 The “Enemies” n The Versailles Treaty & the “November criminals” who stabbed Germany in the back.(ie. the Weimar Republic) n Marxists n The Jew - who, by the way, was responsible for all of Germany’s domestic problems. (Prostitution, capitalism, Pacifisim, democracy, venereal diseases)

6 Time to flex those muscles. (Munich - 1923) n Beer Hall Putsch - with old WWI generals and some nationalists the Nazis try to take the Bavarian Government.

7 Munich - 1923 n Street march ends in a riot, 16 die and Hitler stands trial in a national spectical. n Sentenced to 5 yrs., he serves 9 mos. - all the time he needs to write the very wordy Mein Kampf.

8 Back in the saddle again. Hitler consolidates power. n Regains control of the party from Gregor Strosser. n Ban on public speaking lifted in 1925. (A Biggggg mistake)

9 Consolidates power. Decides road to power is through legal elections (as opposed to revolt) and in 1928 the party wins 12 seats in the Reichstag.

10 The Depression Hits n Nazis appeal to all strata of the German population. n Mass unemployment, social dissolution, fear for economic future makes the Nazi call for a scapegoat sound good. n Press tycoon Alfred Hugenberg gives Hitler extensive national exposure.

11 The Early 1930’s- Gaining Seats n With Industrialists contributing money, the Nazis get 18.3% of the vote in 1930. n In April ‘31 Hitler runs for president coming in 2nd to Hindenburg.

12 Still Gaining n July ‘32, with 230 seats (37.3%) - The Nazis are the largest single party. n Nov ‘32, 196 seats (a drop), but Hitler is pushed by conservatives to be chancellor.

13 Spring-time for Hitler. Hindenburg makes Hitler Reich Chancellor Jan 30, ‘33.

14 Reichstag n Reichstag fire the next month scares the government into giving Hitler temp- orary, unlimited powers. (Enabling Act) This is due to blame being placed on Com- munists for the fire

15 Hitler Hits His Stride - Germany in the Mid-’30’s n Hitler purges his party of possible competition in 1934, “Night of the Long Knives.” n 1935, the Versailles Treaty is abandoned. - 5x’s the allowed number of men are brought into the military. - Britain agrees to allow Germany to build more ships.

16 The Productive Years By Ignoring the Treaty -Saves money by not making payments to the Allies. n Re-armament allows people to get back to work. Unemployment drops from 6 million to 1 million in 3 years.

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