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Introduction to Computer Operating Systems

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Computer Operating Systems"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Computer Operating Systems

2 What is an Operating System?
A piece of software that supports a computer’s basic functions. The foundation for how a computer runs and can be interacted with. Includes items such as the User Interface and Filing System.

3 Why is an Operating System Important?
Which operating system a person chooses drastically alters their experience. It will determine what kind of device a person can get, what programs can be run, and what features will be available to the user.

4 Assignment: OS Presentation
In groups of two or three, you will be assigned an operating system from the following slide. You are your partners will need to create a presentation that explains the operating system and what makes it different. Items that should be included: Date of release, company (or person) that created it, major features, machines that can run it, and why a PC user would be inclined to use it.

5 Operating Systems List
Windows XP Windows 8.1 Mac OS Mac OSX Ubuntu Android IOS DOS Linux

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