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 Line  Shape/Volume  Pattern/Texture  Color  Value.

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Presentation on theme: " Line  Shape/Volume  Pattern/Texture  Color  Value."— Presentation transcript:


2  Line  Shape/Volume  Pattern/Texture  Color  Value

3  A mark from point A to B Possesses width and length Can be interpreted as emotion (happy, free, sad, dancing, nervous) Vary in weight and character Implied lines automatically connected by the eye

4 line2.jpg

5  Discuss the differences between them  Describe the line Is it  Heavy?  Light?  Have an emotion?  Width?

6  Visually perceived area created by enclosing line or color or value changes and volume Can be:  Abstract: simple natural shapes  Biomorphic: shapes that reference organic forms  Nonobjective: does not reference any object  Curvilinear – curved edges, smooth detail  Rectilinear – straight edges, sharp detail

7 INECATALOGS/March2004/paint WEB/0697.jpg oups/cognates/wiki/2 44d1/images/8d922.j pg https://s-media-cache- 53.jpg

8  Discuss the differences between them  Describe the shape

9 Pattern Order, Variety, Texture Evokes our sense of touch

10 Van Gogh, Starry Night, 1889

11  Discuss the differences between them  Is there order or variety?  What kind of texture is created?

12 Hue: the property of light by which the color of an object is classified as red, blue, green, or yellow in reference to the spectrum. Saturation: the degree of chroma or purity of a color; the degree of freedom from admixture with white. Value: degree of lightness or darkness in a color. The relation of light and shade. Tint: mixing a hue with white (high value) Shade: mixing a hue with black (low value) Tone: Hue with black and white (in the middle)

13 &tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0CBwQsARqFQoTCK2u9KabsccCFdIXkgodrQAFDA#safe =strict&tbm=isch&q=color+wheel+complementary+free&imgrc=_ukSIhYcN5DMRM%3A

14  Discuss the differences between them  Describe the colors and the differences it can create

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