Exploration & Colonization

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Presentation on theme: "Exploration & Colonization"— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploration & Colonization

2 In the late 1400’s European explorers began to sail and chart the oceans of the world.

3 An Era of Exploration In 1001, Viking sailors led by Leif Ericson reached North America. They left no permanent settlement.


5 Discovered in Norway in 1906, the Oseberg ship, the best preserved Viking ship ever found, reveals its Norse shipbuilders' graceful construction style.

6 Christopher Columbus 1492 – Made the Atlantic crossing with the Niña, Pinta, and Santa Maria. He traveled for Spain, hoping to reach the East Indies by sailing across the Atlantic. Instead, he reached the West Indies, islands in the Caribbean.


8 “Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.”
Christopher Columbus, The Admiral who changed the world


10 Lasting Impact of Columbus
His voyages marked the beginning of lasting contact between Europe, Africa, and Americas. Devastated the Native American population. Columbian Exchange: exchange of goods, ideas, disease, etc. between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres.

11 Old World to New World New World to Old World Diseases Animals Plants
Smallpox, Measles, Chicken Pox Malaria, Yellow Fever, Influenza, The Common Cold Syphilis Animals Horses, Cattle, Pigs, Sheep Goats, Chickens Turkeys, Llamas, Alpacas, Guinea Pigs Plants Rice Wheat Barley Oats Coffee Sugarcane Bananas Melons Olives Dandelions Daisies Clover Ragweed Kentucky Bluegrass Corn (Maize) Potatoes (White & Sweet Varieties) Beans (Snap, Kidney, & Lima Varieties) Tobacco Peanuts Squash Peppers Tomatoes Pumpkins Pineapples Cacao (Source of Chocolate) Chicle (Source of Chewing Gum) Papayas Guavas Avocados

12 Spain Builds an Empire Balboa – crossed the isthmus of Panama and claimed the Pacific for Spain Magellan – circumnavigated the globe. Diaries, stories, maps library.thinkquest.org/ J002678F/balboa.htm


14 Spanish conquistadors
Cortés – Conquered the Aztecs, killed their emperor Montezuma. Pizarro – Conquered the Incas De Soto – explored Florida and died looking for gold he never found Coronado – claimed present day New Mexico and Arizona for Spain

15 Settling New Spain 3 settlements: pueblos, presidios, and missions
4 social classes: Peninsulares, creoles, mestizos, Indians Encomiendas: land grants to Spanish colonists which included the right to demand labor or taxes from the Indians

16 Harsh Life for Native Americans
Indians forced to work in Spanish mines Most die so Spanish seek other labor sources Atlantic slave trade begins

17 Colonizing North America
Search for the Northwest Passage


19 Rivalries Among European Nations
The Protestant Reformation in 1500s divided Europe Europeans settling in the Americas brought their rivalries with them (Example: Sir Francis Drake)

20 Francis Drake made a habit out of raiding the Spanish treasure fleets
Francis Drake made a habit out of raiding the Spanish treasure fleets. He brought gold and jewels home to England. When the Spanish complained to Queen Elizabeth, she knighted him “Sir Francis Drake”!

21 Why do you think he wanted to be painted with his hand on a globe?
Sir Francis Drake Why do you think he wanted to be painted with his hand on a globe?

22 New France Settled along the St. Lawrence River
Hunters and trappers (coureurs de bois – “runners of the woods”) Established friendly relations with the Indians Expanded down the Mississippi River Most largely free of government control

23 New Netherland Settled along the Hudson River around what is now New York Established a busy port. The Dutch and French became rivals in the fur trade. The Rivals established alliances with Native tribes, thus increasing warfare among the Indians, French, Dutch, and English.

24 Jamestown The 1st permanent English settlement Had a disastrous start
Thanks to the Indians, they survived When colonists started growing tobacco, the colony got better. By 1620, England was importing more than 30,000 lbs of tobacco a year.

25 Signing the Mayflower Compact

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