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Recruiting & Hiring Employees BOSAS. Think-Pair-Share Bellwork If you were looking for a job, where might you look? PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Recruiting & Hiring Employees BOSAS. Think-Pair-Share Bellwork If you were looking for a job, where might you look? PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recruiting & Hiring Employees BOSAS

2 Think-Pair-Share Bellwork If you were looking for a job, where might you look? PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010

3 Objectives 1. Define terminology related to staff recruitment and training. 2. List steps in hiring employees. 3. Demonstrate steps in recruitment and hiring processes.

4 K = Key Word or Concept I = Information or data M = Memory Strategy K.I.M.

5 Terminology Recruit – process of attracting appropriate applicants for an organization’s jobs Discrimination – denial of opportunities to individuals on the basis of some characteristic

6 Recruitment Human Resource department recruits candidates for an organization’s jobs Various methods are used including ◦ Internal job postings ◦ Internet posting ◦ Newspaper ◦ Employment agencies ◦ College campuses ◦ Trade shows/fair ◦ Headhunters (outside agency finds employees)

7 Hiring Process – Stage 1 Select a small number of qualified candidates from all applications ◦ Standard paper application ◦ Internet application ◦ Résumé ◦ Many organizations use computerized systems to sort through résumés ◦

8 Hiring Process – Stage 2 Pre-screening interview ◦ Prescreening interview to clarify qualifications ◦ Interview to get a feel for personality & ability to work with others ◦ May be asked to take test(s)

9 Hiring Process – Stage 3 After pre-screening interview, more in-depth interview Higher-level positions may take several interviews

10 Hiring Process – Stage 4 Department supervisor evaluates candidates May consult with higher-level management, human resources, and staff

11 Hiring Process – Stage 5 Employer may research candidates ◦ Check references ◦ education ◦ previous employment ◦ motor vehicle records ◦ online persona ◦ credit histories

12 Hiring Process – Stage 6 Supervisor selects the candidate most suitable for the job Human Resources or supervisor offers job Candidate accepts position or declines

13 Hiring & the law Federal & State laws govern hiring Employers must be careful to avoid discrimination Employers must respect privacy of applicants

14 Interview Questions Some questions employers may not ask about ◦ Marital status ◦ Age ◦ Religion ◦ Citizenship (can ask if you have the legal right to work in the U.S.) ◦ Children ◦ Rent or own a home ◦ Cause of physical disability ◦ Union membership ◦ If you’ve ever been arrested ◦

15 Employment testing Tests are used to gauge abilities, intelligence, interest, and sometimes physical condition and personality ◦ Three types of testing  Job skills testing  Psychological testing  Drug testing

16 Examples of employment testing Job skills- typing test, computer test, operating equipment, performing a task Psychological – questionnaires ◦ Assess personality characteristics ◦ Managerial potential Drug – drug and alcohol tests

17 Sort Steps Sort the cards into steps. Order the steps first - sixth Be prepared to share

18 3-2-1 3 things you learned today 2 ideas or facts you would like to know more about 1 thing you would share with a friend

19 Interview Methods BOSAS

20 Think-Pair-Share BELLWORK If you owned your own business and needed to hire employees, what do you think would be the best way to find out about potential employees? PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010

21 Objectives 1. Define interview methods. 2. Identify interview methods. 3. Evaluate interview methods.

22 K = Key Word or Concept I = Information or data M = Memory Strategy K.I.M.

23 Terminology One on one interview – face to face questioning and observation of applicant Telephone interview – questions/screening conducted over telephone Stress interview – applicant put under pressure through rapid succession of questions, hostility or argument to see how applicant reacts

24 Terminology Group or Committee interview – involves a panel of interviewers to see how applicant interacts Audition interview – applicant shows skills by performing job duties

25 One on One Job applicant meets the skill and education requirements for the position Goal is to establish rapport with the interviewer Interviewer is observing eye contact, dress, and mannerisms. Some companies may use this style for initial screening if they have not already conducted a phone interview

26 Telephone Staff may contact job applicants and conduct short phone interviews to screen out unsuitable candidates. Will check information on a resume to see if it coincides with a job seeker’s verbal on-the-spot responses. May also be judging qualities such as voice level, language fluency, emotional tone.

27 Stress Meant to test how an applicant reacts under pressure. Sometimes there may be a “good cop, bad cop” scenario set up to see how the interviewee responds to negativity, hostility or an argumentative situation. Another tactic might be an enforced silence to see how the applicant reacts.

28 Group or Committee Involves a group of company staff questioning the job applicant. Two, three or even more company staff. One of the goals of this type of interview is to see how a job seeker interacts in a group or team. This situation may also present role-plays and problem solving.

29 Audition Dancers, singers, graphic artists, sales people, computer programmers, and others must often audition by showing their skills firsthand Present portfolios of work to a potential employer. Dental assistants and technicians also often work one full day at standard pay to see how they perform

30 Partner Practice PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 30 Work with a partner to think of example situation where the interview method would be used. Make sure both of you are prepared to share your knowledge

31 Predict PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 31 Work with your group to predict the best interview Method for the scenario Be prepared to share

32 PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 Using the letter given to you, select a word or phrase which best describes an element of the lesson or the information learned! to

33 Employee Orientation & Training BOSAS

34 Think-Pair-Share Bellwork Think back to your first day of kindergarten or the first day of school you can remember. What was it like? PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010

35 Objectives 1. Identify components of employee orientation. 2. Identify types of employee training. 3. Identify the role of the administrative support staff in the orientation and training of new employees.

36 Terminology Employee Orientation – activity that introduces employees to the organization OJT – on the job training. Training in which employee immediately begins tasks and learns while doing Apprentice

37 Training & Development Includes all attempts to improve productivity by increasing employee productivity Training focuses on short-term abilities Development focuses long-term abilities

38 Predict PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 38 What types of activities might be included in training and development of employees? Be prepared to share

39 Training & Development 3 steps 1. Assessing the needs of the organization and skills of employees to determine training needs 2. Designing training activities to meet identified needs 3. Evaluating effectiveness of training

40 Orientation Activity that introduces new employees to organization, fellow employees, supervisors, policies, practices and objectives of company Include anything from informal talks to formal activities May include company visits, reading of handbooks, company history, etc.

41 On-the-Job training Employee being trained immediately begins tasks and learns by doing or watches others and imitates them Easiest kind of training Can work well if they have good example to follow More demanding jobs require more intense training

42 Apprentice programs Involve a period during which a learner works alongside an experienced employee to master skills Some involve classroom training Can last several years, i.e. plumbers

43 Off-the-Job training Occurs away from the workplace Consists of internal and external programs to develop variety of skills and foster personal development Might include subjects such as time management, stress management, languages

44 Online training Attend classes online – via Internet Gives employers ability to provide consistent content tailored to specific training needs

45 Vestibule training Done in classrooms where employees are taught on equipment similar to that used on job Computer and robotic training is often completed in a vestibule classroom

46 Job simulation Use of equipment that duplicates job conditions and tasks so trainees can learn skills before attempting them on job Simulation attempts to duplicate exact combination of conditions that occur on job Example – astronauts, airline pilots, army tank operators

47 Administrative Support Staff Role in Orientation Support role in preparing for orientation Reserve facilities Prepare documents such information letter, brochures Arrange for day of orientation for needed supplies, food, equipment Prepare employee packets Assist supervisor is preparation of presentation

48 Administrative Support Staff Role in Training & Development Might train new office staff Assist supervisor in preparation of training materials Schedule employees for training Document employees attendance/completion of training

49 Letter or Note to a Friend PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 Thinking back to your first day of school exercise for bellwork, how could that be compared to a first day at a new job? If you were in charge of first day orientation for new employees how would you make it a good experience for employees?

50 Role of Administrative Staff in Orientation Purpose of Orientation BOSAS

51 Objectives 1. Identify role of administrative staff in orientation and training. 2. Identify purpose of orientation.

52 Think-Pair-Share Recall our last lesson on orientation and training and development. What is orientation and what is its purpose? PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010

53 Orientation Activity that introduces new employees to organization, fellow employees, supervisors, policies, practices and objectives of company Include anything from informal talks to formal activities May include company visits, reading of handbooks, company history, etc.

54 Pass… OR PLAY! Orientation If you were responsible for orientation of new employees, what specific kinds of things would you need to organize? PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010

55 Your Task as office assistant Letterhead/welcome letter Orientation Agenda Company Presentation Company Newsletter Communicate with supervisor Plan your work each day and keep track of progress

56 How to get it done? Your office uses Microsoft Office What programs will you use to complete the following tasks? ◦ Create a letterhead and compose a letter ◦ Presentation ◦ Newsletter ◦ Agenda ◦ Memo

57 Plan and Organize your work Each day you will be given a new task Keep track of your work on your Plan of Work If you have not finished a task by the time a new task is assigned you will need to start the new task and come back to the unfinished task When you complete a task, go through the checklist to make sure you have included all required elements



60 Think-Pair-Share How will you keep track of your handout for two weeks and how will you prioritize your work to complete it in time. PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010

61 Role of Administrative Staff in Orientation Welcome Letter BOSAS

62 Objectives 1. Identify role of administrative staff in orientation and training. 2. Demonstrate role of administrative support staff by creating a company orientation welcome letter.

63 K-W-L PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 63 What I know What I would like to learn What I learned

64 K-W-L What do you know about new employee orientation and welcome letters and what would you like to learn? PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010

65 Terminology Letterhead -a printed heading on stationery, giving name and address of a business Logo –or logotype, a graphic representation or symbol of a company

66 Letterhead LOGO  Company address, phone, etc. Other items with same design might include envelopes, business cards, brochures.  

67 Block Style Letter

68 Review Assignment Write an orientation/welcome letter to new employees Create a letterhead Logo will be used for all orientation projects Format the letter in block style

69 K-W-L PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 69 What I know What I would like to learn What I learned

70 Role of Administrative Staff in Orientation Orientation Agenda BOSAS

71 Objectives 1. Identify role of administrative staff in orientation and training. 2. Demonstrate role of administrative support staff by creating an agenda for orientation.

72 K-W-L PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 72 What I know What I would like to learn What I learned

73 K-W-L What should be included in an agenda for a workshop and why would you give participants an agenda? PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010

74 Purpose of agenda Roadmap for the meeting Let’s people know where they’re headed so they stay on track Gives sense of purpose and direction

75 Sample Agenda 640wi&imgrefurl= agenda.html&usg=__lfIMCRCjPS6fz5JRHzBG7f0uWiM=&h=828&w=640&sz=83&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=Wil- zWx2- ZKwAM:&tbnh=141&tbnw=109&ei=uAYSTuyfJIHiiAKgmYj0Aw&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dmeeting%2Bagenda%26hl%3De n%26biw%3D1428%26bih%3D950%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=602&vpy=108&dur=505&hovh=2 54&hovw=196&tx=84&ty=113&page=1&ndsp=43&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0

76 Role of Administrative Staff in Orientation Company Presentation BOSAS

77 Objectives 1. Identify role of administrative staff in orientation and training. 2. Demonstrate role of administrative support staff by creating a company presentation for new employees.

78 K-W-L PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 78 What I know What I would like to learn What I learned

79 K-W-L Think about comparing being a new employee to being a new student at school. You need to prepare a presentation about the company for a new employee. PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010

80 Purpose of presentation To present the mission and vision of the company To give background/history information regarding the company Introduce policies

81 What to include Company logo Organizational chart Mission & Vision statements History Policies/Benefits Summary slide that welcomes new hires to the family Background Footer that contains title and date of workshop Apply transitions and animations Clipart or pictures

82 Role of Administrative Staff in Orientation Company Newsletter BOSAS

83 Objectives 1. Identify role of administrative staff in orientation and training. 2. Demonstrate role of administrative support staff by creating a company newsletter for new employees.

84 K-W-L PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 84 What I know What I would like to learn What I learned

85 K-W-L Think about newsletters you’ve seen from school or some other organization. What kind of information is included? PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010

86 Purpose of newsletter To present the mission and vision of the company Introduce change is policies or new policies Give insight into upcoming events

87 What to include Logo, address information Highlights of company, history Mission/Vision Orientation information Upcoming events for new hires

88 letter%2520Samples/The%2520Key%2520Vol%25207,%2520Issue%25203 _Page_1.jpg&imgrefurl= htm&usg=__gDJcg-- GdVHifAvOZOa8g954Yv4=&h=1654&w=1279&sz=304&hl=en&start=0&zoo m=1&tbnid=xqooT6jMIgFlKM:&tbnh=176&tbnw=136&ei=gI4STsSfFefciALS obSFDg&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dcompany%2Bnewsletter%2Bsamples%26 hl%3Den%26biw%3D1428%26bih%3D950%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch& itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=195&vpy=186&dur=679&hovh=255&hovw=197&tx=10 8&ty=97&page=1&ndsp=28&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0

89 Memo to your Supervisor BOSAS

90 Think-Pair-Share Think about the five projects you’ve completed for the new employee orientation. How well did you use your time? Did you prioritize your work? Were you able to work on your own or did you need to check in with others along the way? PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010

91 Objectives Demonstrate role of administrative support staff by creating documents needed for new employee orientation

92 Assignment In lesson four, your supervisor gave you directions to complete items needed for new employee orientation. Your supervisor expects you to write a memo explaining the items you created and reason they are needed for orientation

93 Memo

94 How to write the memo Write the opening segment. State the purpose of the memo and identify the purpose – restate what your supervisor asked you to do. Identify the exact reason for writing the memo and make it clear

95 Explain the work you completed Explain briefly the four orientation documents you created, how you created them and why they are important for the new employee orientation.

96 Memo closing Close the memo with a friendly ending that states how you felt about being given this important assignment. Consider the ways that the supervisor can benefit from the information in the memo. Ask for action – i.e.. Please let me know if you’d like me to continue with any other orientation projects…

97 Professional Development BOSAS

98 Think-Pair-Share Bellwork What is the benefit of joining a student club? Think of all the ways it might benefit you. PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010

99 Objectives 1. Identify professional development. 2. Critique benefits of professional staff development (i.e., workshops, conferences, course work, and membership in professional associations).

100 Terminology Professional Development - the advancement of skills or expertise to succeed in a particular profession, esp. through continued education Professional Association - people engaged in the same profession, formed usually to control entry into the profession, maintain standards

101 Types of Professional Development Workshops Conferences Course work Can be internal – company organized or external – online, college, professional association Join professional organizations

102 Why Professional Development? Main reason to increase the competency and effectiveness of employees Boost morale by positioning participants to advance their careers through acquiring new skills or gaining insight into an area of the company they might be unfamiliar with Being selected to travel to a conference can make an employee feel special or rewarded

103 Weigh Benefits Balance benefits with the costs associated with such programs Class or instructor fees, travel expenses, downtime and lost productivity are just some considerations Is it really necessary? Will it have a measurable impact on day-to-day operations? Will the staff be able to participate while with normal workload?

104 Professional Associations or certifications Certifications can advance career Certifications/membership might be necessary for some careers Networking

105 What to consider – Professional Organizations What are you hoping to accomplish? Is this about furthering your career? Is this about growing your business? Is it a social objective, or is it truly a professional objective?

106 Students Number 1-4 1. Certified Administrative Professional 2. IAAP Certification 3. Arizona Educational Office Professional Association 4. MOS certification PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010

107 1. Research your assigned number. 2. Take notes. 3. Teach your section to the rest of the group. 4. Be prepared to share your learning with the whole group. Jigsaw PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 107

108 13 14 48 37 23 21 18 In 12 words or less, critique the benefits of professional staff development. PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010

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