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Autism  Developmental disability that significantly affects a student’s verbal and nonverbal communication, social interaction, and education performance.

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Presentation on theme: "Autism  Developmental disability that significantly affects a student’s verbal and nonverbal communication, social interaction, and education performance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Autism  Developmental disability that significantly affects a student’s verbal and nonverbal communication, social interaction, and education performance.  Pervasive Developmental Disorder  Autism Spectrum Disorder

2 Characteristics  Language development  Wide range of abilities (no verbal communication to complex communication  Typically have a number of language impairments  Delays-limited topics, limited interactions on a topic, limited gestures, reverses pronouns, lack of eye contact  Echolalia-repeating what others say

3 Social Development  Impaired use of nonverbal behavior  Lack of peer relationships  Failure to spontaneously share enjoyment, interests, and achievements with others  Lack of reciprocity

4 Repetitive Behavior  Obsessions  Persistent thoughts, impulses, images of repetitive nature  Tics  Involuntary, rapid movements that occur without warning  Perseveration  Verbalizations or behaviors that are repeated to an inappropriate extent

5 Problem Behavior  Self Injurious Behavior  Head banging, biting, scratching  Aggression  Behavior directed toward others  Problem behaviors can serve a communicative function

6 Need for Environmental Predictability  Predictability and structure  Changes can cause high degree of anxiety  Things in their place  Classroom supports (schedules,routines)  Planning for transitions/changes

7 Sensory and Movement Disorders  Sensory  42-88% of persons with Autism/Asperger Syndrome  Under or over responsiveness to sensory stimuli  Movement  Abnormal posture  Abnormal movements of face, head, trunk, limbs, repeated gestures & mannerisms

8 Intellectual Functioning  Autism occurs in children with all levels of intelligence (gifted to mental retardation)  72% have some type of limited cognitive functioning  Savant syndrome

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