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European Regulatory Framework 1st April 2014 - Faro Alessio Di Paolo.

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Presentation on theme: "European Regulatory Framework 1st April 2014 - Faro Alessio Di Paolo."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Regulatory Framework 1st April 2014 - Faro Alessio Di Paolo

2 2 European Regulatory Framework The purpose of this presentation is to analyze the main European standards related to the management of industrial areas and to the protection of environmental and related social and economic aspects. INTRODUCTION (1)

3 3 European Regulatory Framework INTRODUCTION (2) The EEA (European Environment Agency) defines eco-efficiency as "greater prosperity with lower utilization of nature." The Gothenburg Strategy (2001) introduced a fundamental concept that covers all the areas of integrated policies of the European Union: sustainable development in a perspective of "decoupling" between economic growth and environmental pollution. The European Commission aims to "decoupling environmental pressures from economic growth", in order to improve the general environment quality and to "restore and develop the functioning of natural systems“.

4 4 European Regulatory Framework EUROPEAN LEGISLATION (1)

5 5 Titolo della presentazione 1.Control of industrial emissions: –requirements for operational authorizations of some industrial plants, such as requirements to limit the release into air, water and waste compounds (related to prevention and reduction of pollution). One of those acts is the Directive of the European Parliament Council 2010/75/EU on industrial emissions (IPCC integrated pollution prevention and control). 2.Control of major accident hazards: –The second category concerns the Seveso III Directive 2012/18/EU, which entails to operators of industrial facilities to identify the potential risks of hazards and to adopt control steps to and mitigate its effects. EUROPEAN LEGISLATION (2)

6 6 Titolo della presentazione 3.A third macro level regulation that also involves the industrial sector is energy ( management and equipment). –Promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources Directive 2009/28/EC establishes a common framework for the production and promotion of energy from renewable sources. –Energy efficiency Directive 2012/27/UE on energy efficiency establishes the objective of saving 20 % of the Union’s primary energy consumption by 2020 Directive 2010/31/EU on the energy performance of buildings (nearly zero- energy buildings) –Greenhouse gas emissions DIRECTIVE 2009/29/EC Emission Trading establishes the objective to reduce emissions by 20% EUROPEAN LEGISLATION (3)

7 7 European Regulatory Framework EC Regulation 1221/09 Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) The EMAS Regulation encourages the voluntary participation of industrial plants to develop internal environmental management systems and audit programs as means to improve their environmental performance. VOLUNTARY STANDARDS (1)

8 8 European Regulatory Framework –(art. 2 - Definitions), defines the district as ""a group of independent organizations linked together by geographical proximity or business activities jointly implementing an EMS; –(art. 37 Cluster and step-by-step approach) emphasizes the need to encourage the adherence to EMAS by organizations belonging to the districts with the support of local authorities, trade associations, chambers of commerce and other parts concerned. In particular it is cited the possibility of a phased approach leading to the recording of the organizations present within a cluster. VOLUNTARY STANDARDS (2)

9 9 European Regulatory Framework –In Italy, the Ecolabel Ecoaudit Committee gave off a Technical Document about the application of EMAS in clusters. The document, published in 2005, had revisions in 2007 and 2011. –So far in Italy there are 13 clusters with EMAS certificate EMAS III The Italian Position

10 10 European Regulatory Framework CONCLUSIONS 1) There are no European regulations related to an unitary management of the industrial areas 2) There is a European voluntary approach of clusters (EMAS) 3) However there are national laws like in Italy the Basanini Law (1998) about “Ecologically Equipped Productive Areas - APEA” or like in France Grenelle Law (2009) about the sustainable development of the industrial areas

11 11 European Regulatory Framework Thank you for your attention

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