Technology ForecastingInsight - 1 Technology Forecasting Visualization using VxInsight.

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1 Technology ForecastingInsight - 1 Technology Forecasting Visualization using VxInsight

2 Technology ForecastingInsight - 2 Visualization u Visualization tools are designed to help organize and display large amounts of bibliometric (or other) data in ways which promote understanding and insight. u VxInsight is a research tool conceived and developed at Sandia National Laboratories.

3 Technology ForecastingInsight - 3 VxInsight u VxInsight uses topographical landscapes to visualize data. l Mountains represent collections of bibliometric data (citations) which are similar. u Large mountain = lots of citations u small mountain = fewer citations u nearby mountains = some similarity u far away mountains = little similarity

4 Technology ForecastingInsight - 4 VxInsight Visualization Process u Bibliometric data is mined based on key words, phrases, patents, authors, etc. u A “similarity function” must be defined l quantitatively defines how “similar” each pair of bibliometric entries are u shared keywords u referencing u etc. l similarity functions are user defined

5 Technology ForecastingInsight - 5 VxInsight Visualization Process u VxInsight then uses a scheme which combines an attractive force (based on similarity) and a repulsive force (based on density) to “ordinate” the citations. l Forming: u mountains u valleys u plains u ridges

6 Technology ForecastingInsight - 6 VxInsight Example u Let’s take a look at an example. u These displays have been modified and “sterilized” to protect the proprietary nature of the analysis. u Copies of the VxInsight slides are not available on the web site. u Assume the keywords were l acid, soluble, copolymer

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