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Nutrition Assignment Due: Tuesday, June 5th. What you need to do... This assignment is aimed at reflecting on and evaluating your eating habits based.

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Presentation on theme: "Nutrition Assignment Due: Tuesday, June 5th. What you need to do... This assignment is aimed at reflecting on and evaluating your eating habits based."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nutrition Assignment Due: Tuesday, June 5th

2 What you need to do... This assignment is aimed at reflecting on and evaluating your eating habits based on Canada’s Food Guide. For 4 consecutive days (Thursday, Friday, Saturday, & Sunday), record all foods and beverages you consume using the following website: – – You will have to sign up (with an e-mail address) and login.

3 What you need to do... Input all foods and beverages throughout the day using the “Search for a Food” bar under the tab “My Foods”. At the end of each day, click on “My Eating Feedback” and print both Nutrient and Calorie Reports.. Use the information to answer the following questions (Be as specific and detailed as possible)!

4 What you need to do... **TIP: Take 10 or 15 minutes each day to type up your log. Then, after Sunday, all you will have to do is answer the questions!**

5 Assignment Questions Do I have a balanced and healthy diet? Explain. Include a small discussion on your vitamin/mineral intake. /4 Am I eating in moderation? /1 Do I consume a variety of foods from each food group? How does this coincide with the guidelines from Canada’s Food Guide? /3 Am I selecting healthy snacks? /1 Do I consume enough water? Elaborate /2 What aspects of my eating habits would I like to change? Why? /2 What aspects of my eating habits should remain the same? Why? /2 Total: /15 (App)

6 6 What Needs to be Submitted? A Copy of your Nutrient and Calorie Feedback Reports from Your responses to the questions on the previous slide. – Note: I will be comparing your answers with your feedback, so make sure you relate your responses to the results from your food/beverage input.

7 7 Homework: Get started today! Your homework is to go online and create an account. This will only take a couple of minutes. Start your logs by recording the food and beverages you have consumed today.

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