I Have a Dream Martin Luther King Day Holiday January 19.

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Presentation on theme: "I Have a Dream Martin Luther King Day Holiday January 19."— Presentation transcript:

1 I Have a Dream Martin Luther King Day Holiday January 19

2 Indefinite Pronouns Practice Expository Essay (discuss slides first) -Analyze sample expository essay : focus on structure of body paragraphs : evidence & analysis : write in pencil 1 st, then color-code w/answers -In spiral, complete graphic organizer on selected article - Exit ticket: write chosen thesis on an index card & label for topic, position & 2 reasons Homework: Complete Pronouns Test Review Warm-up: MUG shots # 6-7, Group 14 Synonyms January 20 red pen Use your red pen to CIRCLE the TOPIC red pen Use your red pen to BOX the POSITION red pen Use your red pen to UNDERLINE the REASONS

3 EXPOSITORY ESSAY Brainstorm Position/ Topic/Reasons Write Thesis Plan and Draft Essay: Introduction, Body, Conclusion Revise Essay Edit Essay Write Final Draft Analyze Prompt

4 Use this graphic organizer to develop your essay:

5 Thesis: Working with a group is better than working alone because a person can build problem-solving skills and depend on other members’ different talents. Determine the content of your Essay (General Reasons) Create Brief Outline, Use Graphic Organizers to allow students to formulate their SPECIFIC DETAILS to develop their general reason

6 Topic Sentence: (Main Idea of Paragraph : Share position and REASON for position Evidence/Details - Elaborate on FEED evidence Analysis/Commentary – Explain how the details provided support your position and reinforce your reason for that position. Topic Sentence: (Main Idea of Paragraph : Share position and REASON for position Evidence/Details - Elaborate on FEED evidence Analysis/Commentary – Explain how the details provided support your position and reinforce your reason for that position.

7 I: Introduction A. Hook and Bridge B. Thesis: Working with a group is better than working alone because a person can build problem-solving skills and depend on other members’ different talents II. Building Problem-Solving Skills A. Evidence/Details: _______________________ B. Commentary: ___________________________ III. Depend on Different Talents A. Evidence/Details: _______________________ B. Commentary: ___________________________ IV. Conclusion A. Reword Thesis B. Recap Jason and I argued about project Learned to compromise in group Anxious about drawing Texas map Relied on Henry’s talent in my group

8 Analysis/Commentary Writing commentary means giving your opinion, interpretation, insight, analysis, explication, personal reaction, evaluation or reflection about a concrete detail in an essay. You are “commenting on” a point you have made. Writing commentary is higher level thinking. Commentary is what makes an essay interesting to read and gives it depth. Commentary requires you to think of some original things (from your brain) to say about your concrete detail.

9 On your copy find: thesis, topic sentence, evidence, analysis/commentary, & restated thesis

10 The Prompt: Write an essay explaining the importance of being able to see a situation from another person’s point of view. The Sample Essay: Imagine a trial where the jury only gets to hear one side of the argument. Sounds crazy, but this is exactly what happens with humans. We pass judgment on people without considering the other side. A person should always consider other people’s points of view to avoid personal and societal problems. Not being open to the other person’s view will lead to relationship problems. Three years ago my sister Jenna divorced, in part because her husband often did not consider her point of view. He would make decisions without consulting her about things such as where they would go on vacation or what church they would attend. Their marriage failed because he only considered his own point of view. When couples consider each other’s view point, they are happier. On a societal scale, failure to consider another person’s point of causes dangerous prejudice. Let’s think about the homeless person, for example. I’ve even heard Uncle James claim that homeless people are lazy and unmotivated. Even one of the episodes on Criminal Minds had a serial killer murdering homeless people to cleanse society. The prejudice our society has placed on a group like the homeless prevents us from having compassion and stepping into their shoes. We definitely should not make judgments before seeing other perspectives. Of course, it’s not always easy to see things from another person’s point of view, but when we don’t, we are risking personal relationships and perpetuating prejudices. The world would be a better place if everyone made the effort to see things from other points of view.

11 Not being open to the other person’s view will lead to relationship problems. On a societal scale, failure to consider another person’s point of causes dangerous A person should always consider other people’s points of view to avoid personal and societal problems. Of course, it’s not always easy to see things from another person’s point of view, but when we don’t, we are risking personal relationships and perpetuating prejudices.

12 January 21 Check Pronoun Review – Test tomorrow Expository STAAR Practice Expository Essay -Use graphic organizer to write a rough draft of 1 st body paragraph Homework: study for Expository & Pronoun Test; finish MUG Shots cursive Warm-up: MUG Shots #8-10; Group 14 Fill-in-the-Blank

13 January 22 Expository Text Structures & Pronoun Test Expository Essay -Complete rough draft of 1 st body paragraph Homework: study for tomorrow’s Knowsys Group 14 quiz Warm-up: Turn in MUG Shots; sharpen pencils for test

14 January 23 Expository Essay -Use graphic organizer to write a rough draft of 2nd body paragraph -Label in margin:  topic sentence for paragraph 1, evidence 1&2, analysis/commentary,  topic sentence for paragraph 2, evidence 1&2, analysis/commentary HWK: study Group 15; read for AR – due 3/17 Warm-up: independent review for quiz Knowsys Group 14 Quiz

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