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Human Body Digestive System.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Body Digestive System."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Body Digestive System

2 Functions Break down food (digest) Take in food (ingest)
Absorb nutrients from food Eliminate (get rid of) solid waste

3 DIGESTION The process of breaking down food into a form that the body can use Large molecules into smaller ones!

4 Mechanical and Chemical
2 Types of digestion Mechanical and Chemical

5 Mechanical Digestion Food is chewed, mixed and churned. Takes place in the mouth and stomach

6 Chemical Digestion Chemical reactions that break down large molecules into smaller molecules that can be absorbed by cells Examples: saliva in mouth acids & enzymes

7 ORGANS Major Organs: Mouth Esophagus Stomach Small Intestine Large Intestine Rectum Anus Accessory Organs: Tongue Teeth Salivary Glands Liver Gallbladder Pancreas

8 Mouth 1. Digestion begins
2. Mechanical (teeth and tongue) & Chemical (saliva) digestion 3. Saliva mixes with food to produce a soft mass called a Bolus

9 Esophagus 1. No digestion takes place
2. Peristalsis-muscle contractions (squeezing) that helps move food down the esophagus and through the digestive tract

10 Stomach 2. Produces HCl (hydrochloric acid) and mucus
1. Mechanical (churning) and chemical digestion 2. Produces HCl (hydrochloric acid) and mucus 3. Becomes a substance called chyme (kime), A thin watery product

11 Small Intestine 1. Major portion of all digestion occurs in the duodenum 2. Digestive juices from the liver, gall bladder (bile) and pancreas are added 3. Villi-make the surface larger so there are more places for food and nutrients to be absorbed

12 VILLI Real above Scientific illustration right

13 Large Intestine 1. Absorbs water from the chyme 2. Chyme may stay in the large intestine for up to 3 days

14 Rectum and Anus Chyme makes its way out of the body, usually as “solid” waste… compacted in the rectum and expelled from the anus.

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