Risk Wizard Webinar Information Sessions

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1 Risk Wizard Webinar Information Sessions
Label Editor Review Wednesday 18 March 2015 Mark Crichton

2 Label Editor Functionality
The label editor allows every form field label and form section header in the system to be configured by the system administrator. Label changes are immediately effected throughout the Risk Wizard system. For example, changing the ‘Risk’ field label to ‘Business risk’ will result in the Risk field being relabelled in the following areas: Risk input form Risk register column header Risk filter engines and all other linked filter engines Linked risk grids in all products and records Report designer System setup for notifications Dashboards Calendar Report filter and sort libraries Change log Help Reference

3 Modifying labels Help Reference
The label editor is a Administrator function and is located under the ‘System Setup’ menu option. It’s accessible to those user’s with the ‘Administrator’ role. Help Reference

4 Label Editor Register The Label Editor Register works in a similar fashion to existing registers. Click the pencil to edit the data item label. Allows a group of labels to be displayed, along the product themes. The labels can be exported to Excel, modified in bulk and then imported in one process. Only the labels that are modified will be updated. Resets the ‘custom’ label back to the Risk Wizard default names for the selected labels. Label register. Column are sorted by clicking on the header. Help Reference

5 Making individual label changes
Select the product ‘Group’ to filter available fields. Click the pencil to edit the data item label. Write new label name, a description (optional) and save change. Help Reference

6 Multiple field changes via Excel
Export the file to Excel. Make required changes to required fields. Save file as .csv format. Import file to label editor. Only the fields that have been modified will be processed. Help Reference

7 Moving between Default & Custom labels
Each user can choose to display different set of the available information from the ‘Labels’ option under the User Links’, including: Combination Custom/Risk Wizard (default) labels Custom labels Risk Wizard (default) labels Risk Wizard system/source labels Help Reference

8 Links Item Link Risk Wizard Online Help
Risk Wizard Release Notes

9 Risk Wizard Client Services
Help Desk Technical Support Training Data Migration Report Building Services


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