SURVEYS WORKSHOP Aberdeen, 18 th May 2009 ScotStat Network of Analysts from Local Government and Other Public Bodies.

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Presentation on theme: "SURVEYS WORKSHOP Aberdeen, 18 th May 2009 ScotStat Network of Analysts from Local Government and Other Public Bodies."— Presentation transcript:

1 SURVEYS WORKSHOP Aberdeen, 18 th May 2009 ScotStat Network of Analysts from Local Government and Other Public Bodies

2 Aims of the day Increase understanding of sample survey methodology: Choosing a sample design and size Good practice in designing a questionnaire Quantifying the precision of survey estimates Weighting and grossing survey data Key points for disseminating results Share experiences of surveys and provide a networking opportunity

3 Schedule 11.15Teas/coffees available 11.30Introductions/aims (Sara Grainger) 11.45Overview of national surveys (Sara Grainger) 12.00Sampling theory and methods (Alex Stannard) 12.40Aberdeen City’s forthcoming resident’s survey (Martin Murchie) 13.00Lunch 13.30Questionnaire design (Alex Stannard) 14.00Understanding sample survey data (Sara Grainger) 14.45Aberdeen City’s Citizen’s Panel (Philippa Mason) 15.00Dissemination (Sara Grainger) 15.30Close

4 National Surveys Most national survey datasets can be accessed through the UK Data Archive Most survey teams produce reports and/or web tables of key variables Scottish Government teams can help with ad-hoc requests for data analysis, welcome feedback and engagement with survey reviews Results don’t have to be local level to be informative about local issues National surveys are high quality and can be used to quality control local surveys

5 14,500 households per year interviewed Designed to be representative for all LAs over two years Stratified and clustered design Full dataset available from the UK Data Archive SHS Lite available from SHS team

6 3,000 households interviewed each year Social survey + physical survey of dwelling Stratified by Local Authority: 3 years data combined allows for LA level analysis Data available through published ‘web tables’ that support main reports

7 Scottish Health Survey Conducted in 1995, 1998 and 2003: datasets available from the UK Data Archive Became continuous in 2008 7,000 adults and 2,000 children interviewed each year Personal interview + nurses visit Scotland results will be available Summer 2009 Health board results will be available in 2012

8 Labour Force Survey and Annual Population Survey LFS is a continuous UK wide survey of households, reported on quarterly APS is a calendar year of LFS data Boosted for Scotland to 23,000 households annually Stratified by LA so available at LA level Scottish data published by SG Currently piloting an Ethnicity Boost

9 Longitudinal tracking of 8,000 children Birth Cohort and Child Cohort Nationally representative, not available at LA level Datasets available through the UK Data Archive

10 Family Resources Survey UK wide survey of household incomes owned by DWP – source of poverty estimates 4,500 households in Scotland, not suitable for LA level analysis Multi-stage stratified sample Datasets available from the UK Data Archive Scotland results published by SG

11 Understanding Society The UK Household Longitudinal Survey Incorporates the British Population Panel Survey 40,000 households across UK 3,200 households in Scotland Ethnic minority boost

12 The Long Term Strategy for Population Surveys in Scotland 2009-2019 Background Scottish Population Surveys Coordination Committee ONS Integrated Household Survey Census National Performance Framework and Single Outcome Agreements Field Capacity, Respondent Burden and Resources Data Issues (security, utility, quality, access, etc ) Longitudinal Surveys

13 The Long Term Strategy for Population Surveys in Scotland 2009-2019 Strategic aims To ensure that the Scottish Government’s population surveys meet priority information needs while maximising the anaytical potential of the data they generate, the precision of estimates and value for money. To give full consideration to issues of survey participation, respondent burden, data quality and data security and to make recommendations that align survey practice across Government and promote good practice to other public bodies The Long Term Strategy for Population Surveys in Scotland 2009-2019

14 Harmonised core questions To increase comparability across surveys To allow survey samples to be combined 11 questions have been finalised 10 more to do May extend the core in light of NPF and SOAs? The Long Term Strategy for Population Surveys in Scotland 2009-2019

15 Centralised data management To allow sample surveys to be combined To manage respondent burden To remove clustering? The Long Term Strategy for Population Surveys in Scotland 2009-2019

16 Dissemination Review and co-ordinate processes Develop a dissemination strategy for pooled samples The Long Term Strategy for Population Surveys in Scotland 2009-2019

17 The Scottish Household Survey Possibly become a modular omnibus vehicle for SG data collection Possibly provide all LAs with data annually The Long Term Strategy for Population Surveys in Scotland 2009-2019

18 Register on ScotStat to be kept up to date

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