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1 Developments to the Family Resources Survey Family Resources Survey (FRS) and the EU-Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) Valerie Christian.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Developments to the Family Resources Survey Family Resources Survey (FRS) and the EU-Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) Valerie Christian."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Developments to the Family Resources Survey Family Resources Survey (FRS) and the EU-Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) Valerie Christian – Department for Work & Pensions Tom Howe – Office for National Statistics FRS USER MEETING - Friday June 10 th 2011

2 2 Overview What are the proposed changes and why? Background – FRS / EU-SILC What would these proposals mean ? For FRS users For the UK - DWP / ONS For Eurostat What are the challenges / discrepancies? Questions / designs / scopes Piloting the changes to FRS Objectives / design / fieldwork Discussion

3 3 What are the proposed changes and why? What are they? ­To collect cross-sectional European Union Statistics on Income & Living Conditions (EU-SILC) using the Family Resources Survey (FRS) ­The FRS will also be used to provide the sample for the longitudinal element of the EU-SILC – ONS will continue to run this ­Cross-sectional implementation from April 2012 Why? ­These changes will allow UK poverty estimates from one source for both national and EU monitoring. ­Removing the duplication of data collection ­High degree of overlap already exists (FRS vs EU-SILC)

4 4 EU-SILC longitudinal sample design

5 5 Background - FRS / EU-SILC FRS – started by DWP in early 1990s; provides underlying data for UK poverty estimates models fiscal policy across Government also widely used by academics and charities EU-SILC – started by ONS in mid 2000s; provides harmonised measure of ILC across Member States monitors progression towards EU2020 provides policy guidance across Europe EU-SILC one of two statistical pillars – the other being the LFS

6 6 What would these proposals mean? For FRS users: No changes intended for FRS data – pilot helps ensure this Possible to use an FRS-derived longitudinal dataset in due course For the UK - DWP / ONS: Sharing responsibilities Joined-up working to provide a UK delivery to Eurostat Opportunity for efficiencies while meeting both UK and EU requirements A pure cross-sectional dataset for Eurostat which is free from attrition bias For Eurostat: SILC objective achieved to use one instrument for both purposes Potential for up to a 10% larger cross-sectional sample

7 7 What are the challenges / discrepancies? Questions on the surveys: 67 per cent of EU-SILC questions already captured by FRS 10 per cent of EU-SILC questions partially captured by FRS 23 per cent of EU-SILC questions need introducing to FRS Designs / Scopes: Cross-sectional / longitudinal Ad-hoc modules which change annually Small methodological differences

8 8 Piloting the changes to FRS Objectives Ensure FRS and EU-SILC are comparable to respective earlier estimates Establish EU-SILC questions on new FRS vehicle and assess question flow To provide indicative interview length To assess response rates Design Random sample within pre-selected PSUs Achieved sample size of 500 households FRS/EU-SILC CAPI questionnaire Interviewer de-brief for feedback Fieldwork Summer 2011 Analysis of results Autumn 2011

9 9 For more on merging the surveys & contacts: Link to FRS communication note integration-into-frs/eusilc-integration-into-frs--communication-note.pdf ….. to ONS consultation on GLF changes. (Closed May 2011) future-of-the-glf-survey/index.html FRS team contact at DWP Merging project oversight contact at ONS

10 10 Developments to the Family Resources Survey Discussion / Questions

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