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Revolutions Review Test is Wednesday 2/27/12 The Years Before WWI Outside of Western Europe, most countries were still full of peasants and led by the.

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2 Revolutions Review Test is Wednesday 2/27/12

3 The Years Before WWI Outside of Western Europe, most countries were still full of peasants and led by the nobility Russia – Czar Nicholas China – drug and war lords Ottoman Empire - sultan Many political groups sought a revolution Communists Nationalists


5 CAPITALISM Private Ownership of Industry Freedom of Competition Results in unequal economic classes CLASS STRUGGLE Ongoing competition b/w working class and upper class over wealth. WORKERS REVOLTSOCIALISM

6 SOCIALISM Government ownership of industry Goal is to bring economic equality Aims for a classless society COMMUNISM Community is in control; no need for government Goal of classless society achieved

7 Kuomintang Power 1911 – Sun Yixian (Chinese Nationalist Movement) overthrows last emperor (Pu Yi)

8 An Unlikely Alliance Nationalists (Kuomintang) turn to Communists to help free China from Japanese control Mao Zedong …

9 Death, & a Sharp Right Turn Sun died in ’25, Chiang Kai-Shek the new leader. Fierce anti- communist… With common enemies gone, Chiang turned on Mao. War rages through late 1920’s

10 1933 – The Long March Only Japanese attack, and beginning of World War II save the Communists. Eventually, Communists are able to take power after.

11 People’s Republic of China, 1949

12 RECALL What were the causes of the Russian Revolution? CAUSES 1.Peace 2.Bread 3.Land 4.Democracy 5.Tsar (Czar) CONSEQUENCES 1.Treaty of Brest- Litovsk 2.Capitalist Farming 3.Nationalization of businesses 4.Totalitarianism 5.Murdered

13 The Russian Revolution

14 A Brief History… In 1917 a revolution occurred in Russia. The Bolshevik Party successfully overthrew the Provisional government. Besides Lenin, there were two other men who were leaders in the Bolshevik party: Leon Trotsky, a man who believed in using terrorism, and Joseph Stalin, a strong ruthless man.

15 A Brief History… In 1926, Lenin died, and there was a power struggle between Trotsky and Stalin. Stalin gained control and Trotsky went to Mexico and was later assassinated. As the new Russian leader, Stalin deported to Siberia all those who did not agree with him. His secret police also used random arrests, torture, and mass executions to maintain his dictatorship. Anyone could be a victim of these killings, or “purges” for no apparent reason.

16 Group Activity: Key Terms of Totalitarianism Write the following terms down, and leave 4-5 lines between each. 1.Indoctrination, 2.propaganda, 3.censorship, 4.religious persecution, 5.ethnic persecution, 6.police state, 7.agricultural/industrial policies.

17 The Activity… Your pod will be responsible for the doing the following on a small poster: Defining each term in your own words, as simply as possible Find an example of each term in the textbook: Use pages 440 – 447. BE READY TO SHARE OUT IN 15 MIN.

18 Stalin’s Totalitarian State Industrial policies –Five-Year Plan to promote industrial growth; limited production of consumer goods Agricultural policies –Established collective farms; eliminated wealthy peasants Art/religion –Controlled media; censored all forms of creativity; replaced religious teachings with Communist ideals; persecuted the Russian Orthodox Church Education –Expanded and controlled education at all levels; opened educational opportunities to women Control methods –Used secret police and violent tactics to crush opposition; launched Great Purge Propaganda methods –Used indoctrination and art to glorify the Communist state; created state-supported youth groups to train future leaders

19 Asia Section 1 Great Britain had controlled India for nearly two hundred years, but by the early 1900s the British control of the region was starting to weaken. At the same time, religious tensions were pulling India apart. Movement for independence - early1900s By mid-1930s Indian National Congress, Mohandas Gandhi had won some self-rule for Indians India was the first nation committed to non-violent resistance. Use noncooperation, boycotts, strikes, and demonstrations Nationalism Grows India under the British

20 Asia Section 1 Religious Groups India’s two main religious groups: Hindus, Muslims 1940, home to 255 million Hindus, 92 million Muslims Smaller numbers of Sikhs, Christians, Buddhists Muslim League Muhammad Ali Jinnah led Muslim League, worked for interests of India’s Muslims 1940, Muslim League called for a partition, division of India, creation of separate Muslim, Hindu countries Muslim Fears Some Muslims feared large Hindu population would dominate independent democratic India, wanted separate nation to protect their rights Religious Conflict and Partition

21 Asia Section 1

22 Asia Section 1 Great Britain formally ended colonial rule of India, August 1947 Two new nations created: Muslim East and West Pakistan, Hindu India Two New Nations Violence between Muslims, Hindus increased during early 1940s Safety first: Divided India into separate Hindu, Muslim nations Violence Increased British Favored Partition

23 Section 4 World War I Movement to create a Jewish state in the Middle East Balfour Declaration favored establishing Jewish state in Palestine Zionist movement Former Ottoman lands turned into mandates, territories to be ruled by European powers European nations supposed to control mandates only until they were able to govern selves Changes in Middle East The Middle East After WWI

24 Nationalism in the Middle East In groups, use text book and notes to make a short list of the leaders of each country and what country it was formally a part of: 1.Turkey 2.Persia 3.Saudi Arabia

25 Nationalism in Southwest Asia 1.Turkey When Greek soldiers invaded Turkey, military commander Mustafa Kemal led Turkish nationalists in overthrowing weak Ottoman sultan 2.Persia British attempt to take over Persia led to nationalist revolt during which army officer Reza Shah Pavlavi seized power 3.Saudi Arabia Ibn Saud unified Arabia and renamed the new kingdom Saudi Arabia

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