P.D.S.A. Plan For all projects, students need to plan out their work. The first step is to create at least 4 thumbnail sketches of their ideas for the.

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1 P.D.S.A. Plan For all projects, students need to plan out their work. The first step is to create at least 4 thumbnail sketches of their ideas for the project. Then choose one and create a small 8 X 10 version of the idea. Thumbnails8 X 10

2 P.D.S.A. Do After planning, create the project according to the required parameters and media of the project.

3 P.D.S.A. Study A critique will be held after every project. Students will have to answer questions about their work and the works of other students in the class. Students are expected to make one comment orally about at least one other students work. Examples 1.) What was the most difficult part of this project? 2.) Why did you choose this subject matter? 3.) If this was your project, what would you change and why?

4 P.D.S.A. Act After the critique, students are encouraged to make changes to their work. In some cases this might be done to improve their grade or just the quality of work. It is important to keep in mind comments that were made about your work when creating your next piece. The instructor also will use the critiques to make improvement to the overall instruction of project to future classes.

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