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Victor Teen Drug Trends 2013/2014. National Drug Trends/Victor Trends National Alcohol Marijuana Prescription/ Over the Counter Drugs Victor Alcohol Marijuana.

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Presentation on theme: "Victor Teen Drug Trends 2013/2014. National Drug Trends/Victor Trends National Alcohol Marijuana Prescription/ Over the Counter Drugs Victor Alcohol Marijuana."— Presentation transcript:

1 Victor Teen Drug Trends 2013/2014

2 National Drug Trends/Victor Trends National Alcohol Marijuana Prescription/ Over the Counter Drugs Victor Alcohol Marijuana Prescription/ Over the Counter Drugs

3 “Smoking or Vaporizing” Alcohol Extremely dangerous Vapors bypass the liver and go straight to lungs and brain. Greater risk of alcohol poisoning. Pouring over dry ice and using bike pump to create mist through air pressure. em-share_video_user

4 Alcohol-“Purple Drink” Easy to make. One drink can be lethal. Cough Syrup with codeine to a soft drink and candy(usually Sprite and Jolly Ranchers). Side effects- hallucinations,slowed physical activity, vomiting and slowed breathing.

5 “Vaporizing Marijuana” Looks like a pen or an E-cigarette. Allows teens to get high in public without anyone knowing. Discreet aspect makes it very appealing to teens. Can have the benefits without the smoke or tell-tale odor. Items to look for-Grinder(small tin used for grinding buds),rolling papers,body spray, air freshners,eye drops,empty plastic baggies.

6 “Vaporizing Marijuana”

7 “Pharm Parties”Prescription Drugs Teens raid parents/grandparents medicine cabinets and take prescription medications. At parties mix unknown prescription drugs with other prescription drugs along with alcohol and marijuana. CDC study shows %20 of teens will abuse prescription drugs before they graduate.

8 “Have you seen Molly?”

9 “Molly”Ecstasy Rebranded Molly or MDMA, comes in forms of pills, often with characters on them. Can also be used in powder form. Often laced with other highly addictive drugs. Gives user heightened, positive senses-causing a rush of serotonin to the brain. Suppliers make it look like something safe and easy to take.

10 What Can We Do As Parents? Be aware of your child’s habits, friends and behavior. Create a culture at home so your children feel comfortable talking to you. Stay involved in your child’s life. Keep your radar on. Monitor you child’s social media activity.

11 Deputy Dyson Williamson Ontario County Sheriff’s Office 585-924-3252 extension 5473 585-394-4560

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