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IGST meeting 7-9 August 2007, St Johns, Canada Coastal and Shelf Seas Working Group (CSSWG) P. De Mey, LEGOS.

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Presentation on theme: "IGST meeting 7-9 August 2007, St Johns, Canada Coastal and Shelf Seas Working Group (CSSWG) P. De Mey, LEGOS."— Presentation transcript:

1 IGST meeting 7-9 August 2007, St Johns, Canada Coastal and Shelf Seas Working Group (CSSWG) P. De Mey, LEGOS

2 Mission of the WG GODAE Strategic Plan (2000): “Apply state-of-the-art ocean models and assimilation methods to produce short-range open-ocean forecasts, boundary conditions to extend predictability of coastal and regional subsystems, and initial conditions for climate forecast models.” GODAE Development and Implementation Plan (2002): “Climate and seasonal forecasting, navy applications, marine safety, fisheries, the offshore industry and management of shelf/coastal areas are among the expected beneficiaries of GODAE.” The usefulness of GODAE systems to coastal and shelf seas forecasting will therefore be one of the measures of the success of the project. The mission of the GODAE CSSWG is to define, monitor and promote actions, within GODAE, aimed at the assessment and demonstration of the value of GODAE results for regional, coastal and shelf seas models and forecasting systems, within the 2006-2008 time frame.

3 Outline CSSWG activities –Web site –White paper –Liverpool workshop Agenda items –35 Final version of WP –36 Feedback on list of coastal systems –37,38 GOOS regional forum Action items –29 Data products –17, 31 Demonstrations –10 Summer School

4 CSSWG presence on the web “GODAE working groups” on CSSWG page Liverpool workshop site (workshop report+examples to appear on main CSSWG page)

5 White Paper (First edition) 1 Rationale 2 Coastal and shelf seas downscaling within GODAE –Uses of coastal models –Links between large-scale and coastal models –Ongoing/planned CSS downscaling projects linked to GODAE 3 Issues and requirements related to downscaling –Critical issues and requirements –Open issues 4 Proposed approach –Coastal workshop(s), links with international activities, etc. Appendices –CSSWG and contributors to PP –Details of CSS projects –Details of large-scale GODAE data producers: models, products, data serving strategy –The MERSEA and ECOOP European projects Available on CSSWG webpage Circulated to IGST, GOOS and more Agenda item 35: 2nd edition available before workshop Available on CSSWG webpage Circulated to IGST, GOOS and more Agenda item 35: 2nd edition available before workshop

6 Updated CSS projects in 2nd edition of WP –36 projects –Varied in objectives and methods –Geographically clustered Africa: 1 Australia: 2 China Seas: 2 Japan Seas: 3 Indian Ocean: 1 North Pacific: 1 North America West Coast: 4 Gulf of Mexico: 4 North America East Coast: 2 Arctic and Nordic Seas: 3 Norwegian, Baltic, and North Seas: 7 Northeast Atlantic: 4 Mediterranean: 4 P1 P23-24-25-26 P21-22 P20 P19 P18 P17 P16 P10-13-14-15 P12 P9-10-11 P8 P7 P6 P5 P4 P3 P2 P32-33-34-35 P30 P29 P28-31 P27 P31 P36 (bold = new or updated)

7 2007 GODAE Coastal and Shelf Seas Workshop “Assessing the value of GODAE products in coastal and shelf seas” To be hosted at the Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory (POL), Liverpool, UK, on 10 - 11 October 2007. Conveners: Pierre De Mey (LEGOS) and Roger Proctor (POL) Objectives: (as per White Paper) –Assess the impact of GODAE products on downscaled/nested regional, coastal and shelf seas models & value for such uses –Share experience and procedures on important scientific issues of the coastal systems, including: downscaling and initialization, tides and high frequencies, benefit evaluation and metrics, data assimilation. Status: –Pre-registration and call for papers closed, registration open on GODAE web site -- a few seats still available! Budget: –Workshop cost approx. 5k€ (room/food/coffee) on basis of 50 participants, covered by 75£ individual participation. PO agreed to top off if necessary.

8 Liverpool Workshop expected attendance Expected participants: 45 –White Paper CSS projects represented: 28 (on a total of 36 in WPed2) –White Paper experts: 10 –Other experts and students: 11 –GODAE PO: 3 –IGST members: 6 P1 P23-24-25-26 P21-22 P20 P19 P18 P17 P16 P10-13-14-15 P12 P9-10-11 P8 P7 P6 P5 P4 P3 P2 P32-33-34-35 P30 P29 P28-31 P27 P31 P36 White Paper CSS projects to be represented at workshop

9 2007 GODAE Coastal and Shelf Seas Workshop “Assessing the value of GODAE products in coastal and shelf seas” (cont.) Expected outcomes : –Workshop report containing web-ready examples of using GODAE data for downscaling to coastal and shelf seas -- to be prepared by conveners for November (Action 31 item) –Workshop will provide an opportunity to check the level of maturity of results. Depending on this, we may or may not need 2nd similar workshop before end of GODAE (Fraser had agreed to host?) –If results found to be sufficiently mature, envisage Special Issue for the workshop proceedings? We have an invitation from Andy Moore, Editor-in- Chief for Dyn. Atm. Oc. –Or a common paper in the GODAE Special issue? Or both? IGST advice welcome! –Discussion on future of CSSWG beyond GODAE (to be prepared with Pierre- Yves/Mike with IGST feedback)

10 Outline CSSWG activities –Web site –White paper –Liverpool workshop Agenda items –35 Final version of WP -> ed.1 ready since Dec. 2006, ed.2 in Sept. –36 Feedback on list of coastal systems -> got feedback from J. Kindle only –37,38 GOOS regional forum -> we did our part, no feedback yet Action items –29 Data products –17, 31 Demonstrations –10 Summer School

11 Outline CSSWG activities –Web site –White paper –Liverpool workshop Agenda items –35 Final version of WP –36 Feedback on list of coastal systems –37,38 GOOS regional forum Action items –29 Data products -> not sure of FH’s docs status, discussion at workshop –17, 31 Demonstrations -> workshop will provide input –10 Summer School ->need CSS module, tbd

12 IGST meeting 7-9 August 2007, St Johns, Canada Thank you

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