Robert Crawford, MBA West Middle School.  Compare and contrast different kinds of computers used in organizations.  Compare and contrast different kinds.

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Presentation on theme: "Robert Crawford, MBA West Middle School.  Compare and contrast different kinds of computers used in organizations.  Compare and contrast different kinds."— Presentation transcript:

1 Robert Crawford, MBA West Middle School

2  Compare and contrast different kinds of computers used in organizations.  Compare and contrast different kinds of computes used by individuals. Essential Question How do the computers used by organizations and the computers used by individuals differ?

3  Desktop Computer  Handheld Computer  Mainframe  Netbook  Server  Smart Phone  Supercomputer  Tablet Computer

4  Computers come in sizes from the size of a wristwatch to the size of a large buildings.  Each size of computer is suited to different tasks

5  Computers come in sizes from the size of a wristwatch to the size of a large buildings.  Each size of computer is suited to different tasks ◦ We will look at computers in two groups

6  Computers come in sizes from the size of a wristwatch to the size of a large buildings.  Each size of computer is suited to different tasks ◦ We will look at computers in two groups  Those used by organizations  Those used by individuals


8  Companies and organizations use a full range of computers, from the largest to the smallest.

9 ◦ Some applications will call for the largest, fastest, machines made ◦ While other applications will call for small, portable computers

10  Companies and organizations use a full range of computers, from the largest to the smallest. ◦ Some applications will call for the largest, fastest, machines made ◦ While other applications will call for small, portable computers  However, some computers are unique in that they are primarily used by companies and organizations.

11  Companies and organizations use a full range of computers, from the largest to the smallest. ◦ Some applications will call for the largest, fastest, machines made ◦ While other applications will call for small, portable computers  However, some computers are unique in that they are primarily used by companies and organizations.  Supercomputers  Mainframes  Minicomputers  Servers

12  The largest and most powerful computers can process huge amounts of information quickly.  These large computers are called supercomputers Blue Mountain supercomputer facility at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in 2001. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Mountain_(supercomputer)

13  The largest and most powerful computers can process huge amounts of information quickly.  These large computers are called supercomputers ◦ Supercomputers are suitable for large and complex computing tasks, such as:  Forecasting the weather and  Detailed models of nuclear reactions  Typically a Supercomputer can perform calculations that would take years, on other high performance computers, in a matter of hours. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Mountain_(supercomputer)

14  The largest and most powerful computers can process huge amounts of information quickly.  These large computers are called supercomputers ◦ Supercomputers are not only the largest and most complex computers, they are also the most expensive (from $500K to over $60M) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Mountain_(supercomputer)

15  The largest and most powerful computers can process huge amounts of information quickly.  These large computes are called supercomputers ◦ Supercomputers are not only the largest and most complex computers, they are also the most expensive (from $500K to over $60M) ◦ They are also extremely reliable and work with constant heavy workloads.  However, due to the high cost and maintenance requirements, few organizations have supercomputers http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Mountain_(supercomputer)

16  Mainframes are another type of computer used, primarily, by government agencies and large organizations.

17 ◦ The Mainframe allows many people to use the same secure data at the same time.  People access Mainframes using Terminals  Terminals provide access to a mainframe or mincomputer

18  Mainframes are another type of computer used, primarily, by government agencies and large organizations. ◦ The Mainframe allows many people to use the same secure data at the same time.  Mainframes offer:  Data security  Data Reliability  Data Sharing

19  Minicomputers are between the mainframe and the microcomputer. ◦ In many cases they have replaced the mainframes

20  Minicomputers are between the mainframe and the microcomputer. ◦ In many cases they have replaced the mainframes  However, minicomputers typically have less:  Processing power  Reliability  Manufacturer Support Than Mainframes.

21  Supercomputers  Mainframes  Minicomputers  Now we will look at servers ◦ You will primarily interact with servers in your networking environments  With Supercomputers, Mainframes, and Minicomputers the bulk of the application resides on the host, not on the terminal.  In Client-Server environments the bulk of the application resides on the client (computer).

22  Most organizations connect their computers together in a network. ◦ This allows them to share resources and information

23  Most organizations connect their computers together in a network. ◦ This allows them to share resources and information ◦ The server holds:  Data  Applications

24  Most organizations connect their computers together in a network. ◦ This allows them to share resources and information ◦ The server holds:  Data  Applications ◦ Unlike mainframe and Minicomputer environments:  The clients also:  Hold information  Run programs

25  The server holds: ◦ Data ◦ Applications  Unlike mainframe and Minicomputer environments: ◦ The clients also:  Hold information  Run programs ◦ This can lead to  Increased cost  Security problems  Reliability problems

26 Most individuals do not need to procession power that large organizations do. They typically purchase one of four type of computers:

27  Workstations no longer look significantly different from regular microcomputers (Now would be a good time to define microcomputers : Microcomputers are typically small computers intended to support a single user.)

28  Workstations no longer look significantly different from regular microcomputers  However Workstations are typically more powerful and are used by: ◦ Engineers ◦ Architects ◦ Designers ◦ And other who work with large amounts of data.

29  The computers that most people use to do everyday jobs, and at home, are desktop computers. These are often called personal computers, or PCs’. ◦ The PC was the name of the first microcomputer sold by IBM.

30  The computers that most people use to do everyday jobs, and at home, are desktop computers. These are often called personal computers, or PCs’. ◦ The PC was the name of the first microcomputer sold by IBM.  IBM initially estimated that the total world wide demand for microcomputers would be about 600,000 units.  76,600,000 microcomputers were sold in the first four months of 2014.

31  Computes that can be easily moved include:  Laptop computers  Net books ◦ Less powerful ◦ Lighter ◦ Smaller ◦ Less expensive  Tablet Computers ◦ Screen also serves as the primary source of manual input

32  The smartphone is a handheld computer.  They were preceded by the Personal Digital Assistant (PDA). ◦ The PDA shared information with an individuals microcomputer through “syncing” (synchronizing). ◦ In its initial days it was revolutionary because it allowed access to information on the computer while away from the computer.

33  The smartphone is a handheld computer.  They were preceded by the Personal Digital Assistant (PDA). ◦ PDAs’ are still in use in many industrial environments; however, they have become much more specialized.  Specialized computer – a computer that has been made to perform a single, or small number of similar, task.

34  Compare and contrast different kinds of computers used in organizations. ◦ Name two types of computers used by organizations'  Identify two features of these computers.  Compare and contrast different kinds of computes used by individuals.

35  Compare and contrast different kinds of computers used in organizations.  Compare and contrast different kinds of computes used by individuals. ◦ Name two types of computers used by individuals'  Identify two features of these computers.

36  Desktop Computer  Handheld Computer  Mainframe  Netbook  Server  Smart Phone  Supercomputer  Tablet Computer

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