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Under supervision of Dr Essmat Gemeay. : Definition Etiology Sing and symptoms Diagnostic evaluation Therapeutic management Nursing care plain.

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Presentation on theme: "Under supervision of Dr Essmat Gemeay. : Definition Etiology Sing and symptoms Diagnostic evaluation Therapeutic management Nursing care plain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Under supervision of Dr Essmat Gemeay

2 : Definition Etiology Sing and symptoms Diagnostic evaluation Therapeutic management Nursing care plain

3 Is achronic inflammatory disorder of the airway in which many cells play arole, in particular, mast cells, in particular, mast cells, eosionphils,and T-lymphocytes. eosionphils,and T-lymphocytes.


5 The asthma are common in The asthma diseases are common in the all word. 150 million person this dieses in 150 million person have this dieses in the word.5-10 %. the word.5-10 %. In KSA have one million and have person.

6 Is unknown,, but there are triggers factors tending to precipitate and / or aggravate asthmatic exacerbation : Allergens (trees – weeds – pollution – dust ) Irritant (smoke – sprays – odors ) Exercise Exercise, the effects of which differ some what from those of the other triggers.Exercise Changes in weather or temperature Colds and infection Animals (cats – dogs – horses ) Strong emotions ( fear – anger – crying ) Food ( nuts – milk ) Food additives : sulfite preservatives Medication: ( aspirin – nonsteroidal antiiflammatory __________________

7 DyspneaDyspnea WheezingWheezing StridorStridor Coughing may sometimes produce clear sputumCoughing may sometimes produce clear sputum An inability for physical exertionAn inability for physical exertion Some asthmatics who have severe shortness of breath and tightening of the lung never wheeze or have stridor and their symptoms may be confused with a COPDSome asthmatics who have severe shortness of breath and tightening of the lung never wheeze or have stridor and their symptoms may be confused with a COPD ( chronic obstraction pulmonary disease ) type diseas( chronic obstraction pulmonary disease ) type diseas

8 : - clinical manifesteation : history- physical examination and - laboratory tests Radiographic examinations to rule out other diseases -pulonary function tests ( PFTs)

9 If symptoms and a patient's history suggest asthma the doctor will usually perform tests known as pulmonary function tests to confirm the diagnosis and Determine the severity of the disease. Using a spirometer, an instrument that measures the air taken into and exhaled from the lungs, the doctor will determine several values

10 Allergy tests A complete blood count. Chest and sinus x-rays. Computed tomography (CT) scans

11 The patient may be given skin or blood allergy tests, particularly if a specific allergen is suspected and available for testing. Allergy skin tests may be the best predictive tests for allergic asthma, although they are not recommended for people with year-round asthma

12 -Drug therapy (e.g B-adrenergic especially epinephrine methylxanthines principally and corticosteroids preparation -chest physiotherapy ( C.P.T) Allergen control

13 follow the Asthma Management Plan stop any activity stop any activity sit in a comfortable position sit in a comfortable position relax and remain calm relax and remain calm use asthma medicine use asthma medicine (as directed by your doctor) remove any asthma trigger remove any asthma trigger if symptoms persist, if symptoms persist,


15 Ineffective breathing pattern R/T allergic response in bronchial tree Improved ventilatory capacity instruct and / or supervise breathing exercise, controlled breathing -teach correct use of prescribed medication -Encourage regular exercise -Encourage good posture Pt breathes easily

16 High risk for suffocation R/T interaction between individual and allergen Pt will experience optimum health Encourage sound health practices -Balanced nutrition diet -Adequate rest -hygiene -Encourage regular exercise -prevent infection ( avoid exposure to infection, employ good handwashing) Pt conform to sound health practice Pt exhibits no evidence of infection



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