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Colonization of North America Classroom Notes. What is a Colony? a body of people living in a new territory but retaining ties with the parent state Put.

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Presentation on theme: "Colonization of North America Classroom Notes. What is a Colony? a body of people living in a new territory but retaining ties with the parent state Put."— Presentation transcript:

1 Colonization of North America Classroom Notes

2 What is a Colony? a body of people living in a new territory but retaining ties with the parent state Put an example/definition in your own words in the box.

3 What’s going on in Europe that leads to exploration and then colonization? 1.Renaissance a.1350- 1600 –desire to learn more about the ancient and modern world 2. Crusades a.start 1095 –Religious fights to get control of Israel or “Holy Land” b. Europeans come into contact with silk, spices, perfume from China and India. These are in high demand

4 3. Mercantilism a. Economic idea that a nation’s power depends on its wealth b. Get wealthy by trading goods c. Have to get to China and India fastest to get the goods to be wealth –competition

5 So Europeans have the desire to explore. What about the ability? 1.Advances in Technology a. Printing press –1450s, helps spread of information b. Caravels –ships built by Portugal

6 Advances in Technology c. Compass –From Chinese d. Astrolabe –navigation system

7 So Europeans have the desire to explore. What about the ability? 2. Strong Monarchs a. Finance trips in return for share in wealth and claim to land

8 What are the effects of Exploration? 1.More knowledge about the world 2.Native Americans and Europeans clash 3.Enslavement of Africans 4.Rivalry in the Americas

9 So, Who does it first? 1. Christopher Columbus, 1492 a. Discovers Americas for Spain –West Indies or Caribbean Islands

10 Carving Up North America: Three Big Players 1. Spanish –South and Southwest areas of North America, Based on coastal exploration a. examples: St. Augustine, San Diego, Veracruz

11 2. French –Northern North America and down Mississippi River; Based on waterway exploration b. examples: Quebec, Montreal, New Orleans

12 3. English –Middle North America along coastline, and northern parts of Canada c. examples: Jamestown, Boston, Plymouth.


14 Predict why people left their homes to go live in an unknown and dangerous new territory: What were some push or pull factors?

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