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OCN 5401 Chapter 6 Effect of Earth’s Rotation Instructor: Dr. George A. Maul / X 7453.

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Presentation on theme: "OCN 5401 Chapter 6 Effect of Earth’s Rotation Instructor: Dr. George A. Maul / X 7453."— Presentation transcript:

1 OCN 5401 Chapter 6 Effect of Earth’s Rotation Instructor: Dr. George A. Maul / X 7453


3 Average Global Winds

4 Satellite derived surface winds Satellite scatterometer

5 Inertial Oscillations

6 Rossby Number space time Ro=10 Ro=1 Ro=0.1 Ro=0.01

7 R o Balances ExampleAtmosphereRoOcean 1Tornado10River Plume 2Hurricane0.1G.S. Ring 3Westerlies0.001Drift Current 4Inertial Flow1 1 2 3 4 CnCn Rossby Waves

8 Meander motion

9 Baroclinicity baroclinic part barotropic part Laboratory Model 00

10 Pancake Ice – discovery of the Ekman Spiral

11 Ekman Spiral Coriolis balances Friction Ekman surface current is 45º to right of wind in northern hemisphere

12 Ekman’s Solution x y z left hand rule coördinates depth of frictional influence (where the subsurface flow is opposite to the surface flow U o ) surface speed

13 Ekman Mass Transport (M x ) and coastal upwelling f · M x = τ y Wind Stress = +τ y Mass transport is 90º to right of wind in northern hemisphere y x Wind Stress = -τ y

14 Ekman Transport and Marine Debris

15 Ekman Pumping Cold wake from Hurricane Bonnie, 1998

16 Global SST and Upwelling What’s happening at the equator?

17 Equatorial Upwelling

18 Air-Sea Interface Atmospheric Boundary Layer wind vector heights in meters

19 Sverdrup Mass Transport H.U. Sverdrup

20 Stommel’s Linear Model r b

21 Stommel’s Solution H.M. Stommel β-plane f-plane sea surface temperatures We learn that: Wind stress curl forces w.b.c. Internal friction closes streamlines β-effect causes w.b.c.

22 Portion of Franklin’s letter of 27 May 1762 Gulf of Florida, ca. 1827

23 To Sum It Up!

24 OCN 5401 Questions? Chapter 6

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