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Day 40: Crucible Clauses Clauses Project Menu due Friday Project Menu due Friday Act II Questions Act II Questions Act III Act III Mob Mentality Mob Mentality.

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1 Day 40: Crucible Clauses Clauses Project Menu due Friday Project Menu due Friday Act II Questions Act II Questions Act III Act III Mob Mentality Mob Mentality

2 ACT TWO 1. Why doesn’t Proctor go to Salem to report what Abigail has told him? Why does Elizabeth want him to go? Why does Elizabeth mistrust him? 2. How does Proctor feel about the court and Mary Warren’s part in the proceedings? How has Mary Warren changed? 3. How has Hale changed since his arrival in Salem? Why is he testing Proctor and Elizabeth? Why hasn’t Proctor been in church? 4. Why is Cheever looking for a poppet? What is the significance of the one they find? 5. Hale says: “Mary–you charge a cold and cruel murder on Abigail.” What does he mean? 6. Why does Proctor insist that Mary Warren testify in Elizabeth’s defense? Why does Mary Warren refuse?

3 Clauses Groups of words with their own subject and verb.

4 Two Types of Clauses An independent clause is a complete sentence (subject, predicate, complete thought); it can stand alone. An independent clause is a complete sentence (subject, predicate, complete thought); it can stand alone. A dependent (subordinate) clause is part of a sentence; it cannot stand alone. A dependent (subordinate) clause is part of a sentence; it cannot stand alone.

5 Examples of Independent Clauses SubjectPredicate The door opened. Dancing burns up 200 to 400 calories per hour. Don Larsen pitched the only perfect game in World Series history. It was the fifth game of the 1956 Series. Elvis’ twin died at birth.

6 Independent Clauses An independent clause contain a subject and a predicate. An independent clause contain a subject and a predicate. It can stand alone as a sentence because it expresses a complete thought. It can stand alone as a sentence because it expresses a complete thought.

7 Examples of Independent Clauses Dependent Clause Independent Clause Until Captain Cook returned from his voyage to Tahiti, Tattooing was unknown in the Western world. Although they had the worst batting average in baseball, The New York Mets won the World Series in 1969 Because his salary in 1930-1931 was $80,000, Babe Ruth was the best- paid athlete in the world at the time.

8 Dependent Clauses An dependent clause adds additional information to the main clause, but does not necessarily form a complete thought. An dependent clause adds additional information to the main clause, but does not necessarily form a complete thought. A dependent clause often starts with a word that makes the clause unable to stand alone. A dependent clause often starts with a word that makes the clause unable to stand alone. Subordinating conjunctions link an independent clause to a dependent clause. Subordinating conjunctions link an independent clause to a dependent clause.

9 Each subordinating conjunction express a relationship between the meaning of the dependent clause and the meaning of the independent clause. RelationshipExamples Condition unless, if, provided that, even if Reason as, because, as if Choice than, rather than, whether Contrast though, although, even though, but. Location where, wherever Result, Effect so, In order that, so that, that Time while, once, when, since, whenever, after, before, until, as soon as

10 Label the clauses! Police in Minneapolis arrested a 22-year-old man at an airport hotel after he tried to pass two counterfeit $16 bills. Cats have over 100 vocal sounds, while dogs only have about ten. If she were life-sized, Barbie’s measurements would be 39-23-33. In order to avoid an attack by a vampire, you should eat as much garlic as possible, keep a crucifix close by, and avoid cemeteries. Ice cream will actually make you warmer rather than colder because it contains so many calories.

11 Even more clause labeling! A man in South Africa shot his friend in the face, seriously wounding him, while the two practiced shooting cans off each other’s head. A Los Angeles man who later said he was “tired of walking” stole a steamroller and led police on a 5- mph chase until an officer stepped aboard the steamroller and brought the vehicle to a stop. The writer Oscar Wilde made this statement about Niagara Falls: “Every American bride is taken there, and the sight must be one of the earliest, if not the keenest, disappointments of married life.”

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