The First Year - 1861 THE SOUTH SECEDES – January 1861 - Abraham Lincoln is elected to be the President of the United States of America - A state convention.

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2 The First Year - 1861 THE SOUTH SECEDES – January 1861 - Abraham Lincoln is elected to be the President of the United States of America - A state convention is called - Delegates voted to remove the state of SOUTH CAROLINA from the union (The United States of America) - Six other states followed the secession of South Carolina from the union - These states included Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas - Four other states secede: Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee and North Carolina - These states become known as the “Confederate States of America” THE SOUTH CREATES A GOVERNMENT – February 1861 - The seceding states hold a convention in Alabama - They create the Confederate Constitution - Although similar to the United States Constitution, the Confederate Constitution posses a greater stress on the autonomy of each state. - Until elections could be held, Jefferson Davis was named President of the Confederacy.

3 The First Year - 1861 THE SOUTH SEIZES FEDERAL FORTS – February 1861 - President Buchanan refuses to surrender southern federal forts to the seceding states - Southern state troops seize them - Troops from South Carolina refuse a supply ship at Fort Sumter - The ship was trying to reach federal forces that were based in Fort Sumter - Ship was forced to return to New York - The supplies were never delivered ATTACK ON FORT SUMTER – April 1861 - Lincoln had forewarned the Southern States of his plan to send supplies to Fort Sumter - He wanted to avoid any possible hostilities - South Carolina feared a trick in Lincoln’s plan - Robert Anderson was asked to surrender - Anderson’s sets up a proposition to surrender only after his supplies have run out - Proposition is rejected - Shots were fired on the Fort - Civil War began on April 12 - Fort Sumter was surrendered to South Carolina

4 The First Year - 1861 THE BATTLE OF THE BULL RUN – July 1861 - On the way to Richmond, the Union Army encounters a small number of Confederate Forces - The battle was expected to bring an easy victory for the Union - Supposed to be a quick end to the war - This battle showcased how unprepared and poorly trained both armies were - Although the Union could fight better, the Confederates win - The union flees back to Washington

5 The Second Year - 1862 THE BATTLE OF SHILOH – April 1862 - - Confederate forces attacked Union Forces - - Confederate forces were under the order of General Ulysses S. Grant at Shiloh, Tennessee - - Federal Troops were almost defeated at the end of the day - - Reinforcements arrived during the night - - Next morning the Union Commanded the field - - Exhausted federal forces did not retreat when Confederate forces did - - Casualities on both forces were high (13,000 out of 63,000 Union Soldiers died and/or missing. 11,000 of 40,000Confederate troops died and/or missing) JACKSON “Stonewall” DEFEATS UNION FORCES – May 1862 - - Jackson commanded forces in Shenandoah valley to attack Union Forces - - This forced the union to retreat across the Potomac - - Union troops were rushed to protect Washington, D.C as a result of this. THE SEVEN DAY’S BATTLES – July 1862 - - Union and confederate forces fought a series of battles - - This was between June 26 to July 2 - - These Battles Included: Mechanicsville, Gaine’s Mill, Savage’s Station, Frayser’s Farm and Malvern Hill - - Confederates withdrew to Richmond on the 2 nd of July. - - This ended the Peninsular Campaign.

6 The Second Year - 1862 ANTIETAM – September 1862 - - Confederate Forces under General Lee were caught by General McClellan around Sharpsburg, Maryland - - Bloodiest day of the entire war - - 2.108 Union soldiers were killed and 9,549 were wounded - - 2,700 Confederates were killed and 9,029 wounded - - No clear winner of the battle - - This was because General Lee withdrew to Virginia so McClellan was considered the victor - - Lincoln announced his Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation - - This would free all slaves in area’s that rebelled against the US - - It was effective January 1, 1863

7 The Third Year - 1863 THE EMANCIPATION PROCLOMATION – January 1863 - - Written by Abraham Lincoln - - Would free all slaves in all states that rebelled against the Union - - It first affected slaves that had only escaped and successfully made it over to the union side - - Once the Union Army advanced, ten thousand slaves were liberated each day - - Due to the emancipation proclamation over four million slaves had been free - - and liberated THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG – July 1863 - - Was from July 1 – July 3 - - Fought around the town of Gettysburg - - It was part of the Gettysburg campaign - - One of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War - - In three days between 46,000 and 51,000 American soldiers were killed - - The victor of this battle was the Union Army

8 The Fourth Year - 1864 THE BATTLE OF THE COLD HARBOR – June 1864 - - General Ulysses S. Grant’s last battle - - One of the most bloodiest battles in all of American History - - Over thousands of Union Soldiers will killed by the Confederate Troops - - They were under the order of General Robert E. Lee - - About 13,000 soldiers from the Union Army were killed - - About 2,500 soldiers from the Confederate Army were killed - - The Confederate Army were the winners of this battle

9 The Fifth and Final Year - 1865 THE FALL OF THE CONFEDERACY – January 1865 - The confederate had built Fort Fisher near the mouth of Cape Fear River (North Carolina) - By doing this, Port Wilmington would remain open - The Confederates surrendered January 15, 1865 - Because it was surrendered the supply line for Robert E. Lee’s army was cut off Lee’s army was cut off - Soldiers started starving - They left Lee’s forces because of this - The President of the Confederacy said slaves would be used to stop the army from getting smaller - This act was never put into motion THE CONFEDERATE ARMY SURRENDERS – April 1865 - General Robert E. Lee Surrenders the Confederate Army on April 9, 1865 - The Civil War lasted four years - It was estimated that there was over 1 Million Causalities Million Causalities

10 The End.

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