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MVA Training The Spinney

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Presentation on theme: "MVA Training The Spinney"— Presentation transcript:

1 MVA Training The Spinney
Positional Asphyxia MVA Training The Spinney

2 Positional Asphyxia The term asphyxia is vague and confusing.
Refers to a state of the body: Deprived of Oxygen Excess carbon dioxide Hypoxia

3 Positional Asphyxia Loss of consciousness Low oxygen
High Carbon dioxide Asphyxia – achieved unnaturally

4 Positional Asphyxia Physical energy expenditure
Increasing body chemicals Weaken body muscles Respiratory muscles

5 Positional Asphyxia Stress on heart increases More oxygen to function
If an individual with severe respiration muscle fatigue is restrained in a position that impairs or prevents breathing, it is easy to understand why positional asphyxia can occur so quickly.

6 Positional Asphyxia Syndrome (traumatic asphyxia)
Sole/contributory factor to death Breathing apparatus impaired As a result of restraint

7 Risk Factors Position during restraint Prolonged struggle
Prescribed medication Respiratory disorders Drug and alcohol intoxication Cardiovascular disorders Obesity

8 How to asphyxiate Compression to neck Compression to chest/back/torso
Obstructed airways/vomiting Chemical/environmental Postural position

9 Signs Congestion of the face Facial oedema
Cyanosis/increased de-oxygenated blood

10 Awareness Observations Vital signs Overheating/dehydration
Caution with administering medication

11 Any Questions?

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