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 Weathy son of a wine merchant  Served the Countess of Ulster  Had many jobs, and travelled a lot.  Planned to write 120 Tales, but died before he.

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Presentation on theme: " Weathy son of a wine merchant  Served the Countess of Ulster  Had many jobs, and travelled a lot.  Planned to write 120 Tales, but died before he."— Presentation transcript:


2  Weathy son of a wine merchant  Served the Countess of Ulster  Had many jobs, and travelled a lot.  Planned to write 120 Tales, but died before he could finish.  Buried in Westminster Abbey in London  So many people admired him that they wanted to be buried around him in what’s now called “Poet’ s Corner”

3  What happened at the Murder in the Cathedral?  Henry did finally pay for what the knights had done. He made his own pilgrimage to Canterbury, travelled the last mile in bare feet, and allowed the monks to whip him for what he had done.

4  With a partner read the handout on “Courtly Love”  Highlight the main points.  Be prepared to share with the class.

5  England and France fought for 100 years over boundary disputes. These wars were extremely costly for both nations.  The ‘Black Prince,’ was a notable player in these Wars as he lead England to a few key victories.  He is most remembered for marrying his cousin for love- his father was dismayed, but he did not care. Sadly he died with many diseases. Many countrymen loved him for his willingness to stand up for love, and many in authority felt he got what he deserved by dying with many illnesses.

6  Peasant's Revolt of 1381- the crown imposed yet another tax on the people and were not being fair in their collection of the money.  The Peasants stood up to the tax collectors and caused all kinds of trouble.  Eventually the King had to start listening to the people to avoid riots in the future.

7  The Plague wiped out an approximate 60 % of the population in Europe.  People who survived learned to appreciate life more, which meant more drinking and promiscuity.  Also labor considerations came into play. If your “lord” died in the plague, you became a free agent. Other lords tried to bargain with you to have you come work on their land. People begin to have choices over their own life.

8  Very divided and confusing time for the church.  Catholic-but two competing Popes  John Wyclif translated the Bible into English- big no-no!  His followers, the Lollards, went around reading the Bible to commoners in English.  Both Wyclif and Chaucer brought a sense of pride to the English Language.

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