OR 2,500 years of Art Education in 30 slides or less… AE 610 Survey of Art Education.

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1 OR 2,500 years of Art Education in 30 slides or less… AE 610 Survey of Art Education

2 The Greeks-Living the Good Life  Sophists  Plato  Aristotle  Behavior  Mind  Science Natural Desires Will Reason Academy-School for Philosophers Ideal form/ Imitation (therefore music most supreme art Scientific Method Biology Order out of chaos Classification Artists were those skilled in imitation Nomos/ Order (math, music, architecture Physis/ Nature Travelled around Greece teaching rhetoric/ persuasion Abandoned science in favor of winning arguments No absolute truth Reliance on individual

3 The Romans- Expanding Empire Cicero  De Oratore Plotinus  Neoplatonic Beauty Emperor Honorius  Left Rome  Behavior  Mind  Science Oratory/ Skilled speaking Question/ Wide Culture Art not merely imitation, but also revelation Artists represent platonic solids through materials Took over western Roman Empire after father’s death Left ruling duties to advisors

4  Behavior  Mind  Science Teaching Art in the Renaissance Humanist Neoplatonic Arts similar to literature and history and therefore important Printed texts verses lecture Aesthetics valued Artist valued as uniquely endowed individual Allegorical / focus on love and beauty = influence on arts

5 Absolutism/ French Academy Absolutism French Academy  Behavior  Mind  Science No exceptions for laws of universe Power and prestige of state Architecture, geometry, perspective, arithmetic, anatomy, astronomy, and history. Art is a powerful influence of hearts and minds Rotating instructors

6 Enlightenment  Behavior  Mind  Science Improved technology, Newton’s Principia People should follow rules of nature instead of society Adam Smith- natural divisions of labor/ free market Belief in progress Laissez-faire economics Democratic ethic Individuals able to secure own happiness

7 Colonial America  Behavior  Mind  Science Schools founded not for political reasons (like French academy) but for economic/ manufacturing reasons Boston Latin School- Classical education Law-every child must be taught to read/ understand languages in order to study scriptures Franklin criticized Latin School and proposed academy in Philadelphia to teach practical subjects such as English, modern languages, arithmetic, navigation, and drawing.

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