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MaKaila, Brenna, and Zaida.  Largest organelle; contains chromosomes; double membrane with nuclear pores; controls cell functions.

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Presentation on theme: "MaKaila, Brenna, and Zaida.  Largest organelle; contains chromosomes; double membrane with nuclear pores; controls cell functions."— Presentation transcript:

1 MaKaila, Brenna, and Zaida

2  Largest organelle; contains chromosomes; double membrane with nuclear pores; controls cell functions

3  Where the final and most energy-productive steps of metabolism take place to generate cellular energy (ATP)

4  A phospholipids bilayer that controls traffic of materials into and out of cell

5  The fluid-like flowing mixture in which the organelles are found

6  Tiny cellular structures involved in making proteins under the instruction of DNA

7  Only in plant cells; organelles containing the pigment chlorophyll; turns sunlight into ATP energy (photosynthesis)

8  Location of carbohydrate and lipid synthesis; no ribosomes are found here

9  Rough because it contains ribosomes; makes proteins that are packaged into vesicles and sent outside the cell by exocytosis

10  Large membrane-bound sac for storage of water, nutrients, waste; found typically as a large organelle only in plants

11  A small set of microtubules  Structure in the cytoplasm that are involved in cell reproduction  NOT found in plant cells

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